




This article describes the vertical distribution of diatom taxa and their abundance in two sediment cores collected from Suzhou Creek.210Pb analysis was used to estimate the sedimentary rate of the two cores. The dominant genera in the cores were Cyclotella, Aulacoseira, Navicula, Coscinodiscus and Synedra, and the dominant species were Cyclotella meneghiniana, Navicula pupula and Aulacoseira varians. The diatom abundance in the two cores had similar trends, that is, the highest abundance occurred in the upper layers, with a range of 4.04~25.18×104 individuals/g.The bottom layers had a range of 1.41~4.43×104 individuals/g, and the lowest abundance occurred in the middle layers (with a range of 0.91~2.30×104 individuals/g). No obvious trend was found for the species richness in either column; however, the lowest species number occurred in the middle layers of the sediments, which corresponded to the decades between the 1960s and the 1980s. The results of a linear regression showed that the organic matter content was positively correlated with diatom abundance (p

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