



“The Unfinished Work”

Haus A Rest is excited to announce our next open call for artists, writers, poets, and musicians for our upcoming exhibition and publication on the theme of "The Unfinished Work." This theme invites a reflection on the beauty, mystery, and complexity of incomplete creations—whether that be an artwork, a piece of writing, a poem, music, or even an exploration of the unfinished in concept or form. We welcome both literal "unfinished works" and those that contemplate the idea of incompletion, ambiguity, and process.

"The Unfinished Work" can take many forms. It could be:

A painting that remains half-done, paused in its creative process.

A poem that lingers on an incomplete thought, where the unresolved space holds meaning.

An unfinished story or essay that questions its conclusion, or perhaps never intended to find one.

A musical piece with notes left unplayed, inviting listeners into the silence of what could have been.

Works that reflect on the theme of "unfinished" or explore incompleteness as a concept, allowing space for interpretation and open-endedness.

Submission Guidelines can be seen on our links at the opportunities pages or via the link here https://www.curatorspace.com/opportunities/detail/free-open-art--writers-call--for-issue---haus-a-rest--theme-the-unfinished-work/8650

feel free to get in touch via the form below with your ideas …Please note:

* We love to see short films. We accept Vimeo and YouTube only. Please make sure they are set to public.

* Please only submit work that meets the creative ethos.

Good Luck!

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