今天我们来聊一句外企email中常用的话:I hope this email finds you well.
这是一句非常常见的外企email 用语,一般用在邮件正文开头第一句。
这句话不论从语法角度还是语用角度而言都是正确的英语,只是有些老套,有点 old school,
在过去手写信的时代,一封信在路上要走不知多少天才能抵达收件人。所以写信人在写信的时候常以这句话开头,实际意思是:I hope that when you receive this letter you are in good health.
这句话里 find 的意思类似 reach,表示抵达,到你手上。
知道了这句话的意思,在商务邮件中还要注意谨慎使用。因为这句话相当于一句 greeting,适合关系不是特别熟,稍微认识一点的人之间说,或者双方很久没联系的情况下寒暄。
例如你昨天参加了一个外面的会议或活动,交换了一大堆名片。第二天你给昨天刚认识的一个人写邮件,这种关系和语境下以 I hope this email finds you well 是合适的。
还是像现在人在办公室只是互相 say hi,或者有人问你How are you?你简单说句Good,连And you?都懒得再说?
下面几种常用的business email开头供你参考:
I hope you are enjoying the season.I hope all is well.How are you? I hope you are healthy and happy.I hope you are doing well.I hope you are fine.I hope you and your coworkers are fine.I trust you are doing splendidly and enjoying the season.We send you our best wishes.I send you and your esteemed colleagues my warm wishes.Greetings from all of us at _________ [fill in organization name]. Greetings from _____ [fill in a person’s name] and me.Greetings to you and your coworkers.Best wishes to you and your family.It is a pleasure to be in touch with you again.It was a delight to see you in ____.*摘自 businesswritingblog.com
Voice上的这篇文章供你参考:It’s time to kill off the ‘I hope this finds you well’ email greeting for good
还有些人看到来自陌生人的邮件以Hope this email finds you well开头就不看了,移入垃圾箱。这个心态有点像我们现在接了陌生号码的电话,听对方一说“先生/女士,你好“,基本上就挂电话了,推销电话。
15 Email Etiquette Rules Every Professional Should Follow
25 Tips for Perfecting Your E-mail Etiquette
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