·零落·: xcversion install 12执行后报错:%xip: error: The archive “Xcode_12.xip” is damaged and can’t be expanded.No `Xcode.app(or Xcode-beta.app)` found in XIP. Please remove /Users/XX/Library/Caches/XcodeInstall/Xcode_12.xip if you suspect a corrupted download or run `xcversion update` to see if the version you tried to install has been pulled by Apple. If none of this is true, please open a new GH issue.
Test Flight: Beta Contract is missing.endstart: 我也遇到了同样的问题,请问最后时怎么解决的?需要提交截图和视频吗?还是回复了邮件后过两天就好了?
坑人的Xcode14.3打包出来app的iOS13系统上直接闪退泉哥爱phone干货: 不是 用户反馈的
坑人的Xcode14.3打包出来app的iOS13系统上直接闪退小男孩的王者梦: 楼主 手机时iOS13吗?稀缺货啊,我这都不能浮现BUG,只能劝用户升级系统
解决iOS版抖音破解重签名后无法安装leblanceAndSherry: 你好,麻烦问一下获取ipa包的时候,通过Apple Configurator 2这个工具获取的ipa包重签名后安装到手机上一直打不开,必须是通过越狱设备获取的ipa才可以用?