

环境微生物组和分离细菌微生物中谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶的分析和表征。,Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology

Analysis and Characterization of Glutathione Peroxidases in an Environmental Microbiome and Isolated Bacterial Microorganisms.

Glutathione peroxidases (Gpx) are a group of antioxidant enzymes that protect cells or tissues against damage from reactive oxygen species (ROS). The Gpx proteins identified in mammals exhibit high catalytic activity toward glutathione (GSH). In contrast, a variety of non-mammalian Gpx proteins from diverse organisms, including fungi, plants, insects, and rodent parasites, show specificity for thioredoxin (TRX) rather than GSH and are designated as TRX-dependent peroxiredoxins. However, the study of the properties of Gpx in the environmental microbiome or isolated bacteria is limited. In this study, we analyzed the Gpx sequences, identified the characteristics of sequences and structures, and found that the environmental microbiome Gpx proteins should be classified as TRX-dependent, Gpx-like peroxiredoxins. This classification is based on the following three items of evidence: i) the conservation of the peroxidatic Cys residue; ii) the existence and conservation of the resolving Cys residue that forms the disulfide bond with the peroxidatic cysteine; and iii) the absence of dimeric and tetrameric interface domains. The conservation/divergence pattern of all known bacterial Gpx-like proteins in public databases shows that they share common characteristics with that from the environmental microbiome and are also TRX-dependent. Moreover, phylogenetic analysis shows that the bacterial Gpx-like proteins exhibit a star-like radiating phylogenetic structure forming a highly diverse genetic pool of TRX-dependent, Gpx-like peroxidases.

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