

马冉副教授<青岛理工大学 王伟教授简历>


姓名:马冉          学历学位:博士  

职称: 副教授,硕士生导师         研究方向: 运筹学,管理优化,算法设计

邮箱:sungirlmr@126.com     电话:18866622768


本科: 《高等数学》,《线性代数》,《概率论与数理统计》,《离散数学》,《运筹学》,《算法基础》







[1]Ran Ma, Jinjiang Yuan*, Online tradeoff scheduling on a single machine to minimize makespan and total weighted completion time, International Journal of Production Economics, 2014, 158: 114-119.( SCI一区)

[2]Ran Ma, Long Wan, Lijun Wei, Jinjiang Yuan*, Online bounded-batch scheduling to minimize total weighted completion time on parallel machines, International Journal of Production Economics, 2014, 156: 31-38.( SCI一区)

[3]Ran Ma, Jiping Tao, Jinjiang Yuan*, Online scheduling with linear deteriorating jobs to minimize the total weighted completion time. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2016, 273:570-583. ( SCI一区)

[4]Ran Ma, Jinjiang Yuan*, Online scheduling to minimize the total weighted completion time plus the rejection cost. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization. 2017, 34( 2) : 483-503 (SCI三区)

[5]Ran Ma, Jiping Tao*, An  improved 2.11-competitive algorithm for online scheduling on parallel machines to minimize total weighted completion time. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization.  2018,14(2):497-510(SCI三区)

[6]Ran Ma, Jinjiang Yuan*, Online scheduling on a single machine with rejection under an agreeable condition to minimize the total completion time plus the total rejection cost, Information Processing Letters, 2013, 113(17): 593-598.(SCI四区)

[7]Long Wan, Ran Ma, Jinjiang Yuan, Primary-secondary bicriteria scheduling on identical machines to minimize the total completion time of all jobs and the maximum T-time of all machines, Theoretical Computer Science, 2014, 518: 117-123.



[12] Ran Ma*, Sainan Guo, Cuixia Miao. Semi-online scheduling with rejection on parallel machines, Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2023. Accepted. ( SCI一区)




  2、Ma Ran,Han Xuefeng,An Improved Optimal Algorithm For A Location Choice Problem, 获河南省首届自然科学优秀论文二等奖,2011年9月。

3、Ma Ran,Han Xuefeng,A PTAS for Minimizing Total Completion Time of Batch Scheduling Under Tree Precedence Constraints,获河南省首届自然科学优秀论文三等奖,2011年9月。

4、Ran Ma, Long Wan, Lijun Wei, Jinjiang Yuan, Online bounded-batch scheduling to minimize total weighted completion time on parallel machines,获河南省第三届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖,2015年12月。


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