

Advanced Facial Tutorial







————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————WEEK BY WEEK OUTLINE 课程目录Week 1 - Introduction to Facial Rigging 面部绑定的相关知识 IntroductionFacial Expressions and Anatomy 面部的情感和解剖Blendshape Fundamentals blendshape原理Working With Blendshapes 如何用好blendshapeFacial rig blueprint 面部绑定的组织规划Week 2 - Topology 模型的拓扑Facial Anatomy 面部解剖我们需要什么样的模型?General Flow 面部各个部位的布线规则What to Look for:Mouth loopOrb loopsNLF regionBrowsVertical matching in Lips and LidsDefined Mouth corners, lid cornersStarsDefined wrinkle topologyGood vs. Bad Topology 常见的不规范的布线Topology Exercise 拓扑练习Re-topology Modeling Toolkit ToolEye/Brow/Mouth Topology 规则 ∗The Art of Moving Points 理论 ∗

Week 3 – Preparing to Sculpt 雕刻你的shape

Getting good reference 获取参考Sketching out the shape 画出你的shapeMudbox Basics Mudbox的基本知识Shape Utilities 处理shape的常用工具Splitting BlendshapesMirroring BlendshapesCombination Corrective BlendshapesSplit blendShape by painting 反转blendShape的求法Additional Information 其他信息雕刻时的一些有用小脚本让shape更干净 ∗

Week 4 – Base Systems 基本设置和骨点的位置

Gross movements: jaw, ears, teeth, tongue, uvulaMuzzle setupNose setupHow to paint skin weights 如果高效的处理权重Create corrective shape for base 运动体积的保持Upper Jaw ∗Auto Upper Jaw  ∗Mouth Corner Follow 嘴角跟随 ∗

Week 5 – Setting up the Eye 眼睛的设置

Eyelid rig setup 眼皮的眨眼Radial Blendshape 眼皮的滑动Building a joint setup for lids 眼皮设置的原理Eye Socket squash 眼睛拉伸Eyeball scale and squash 眼球的缩放Eyelash rig setup 上下睫毛的设置Eye offset controls 眼皮的次级控制Pupil and iris scale 瞳孔和虹膜的缩放Another method of eye rig 另外一种绑定眼睛的思路(closestPointOnMesh)Eyelid Fold Cover ∗Eyelid Slide ∗Eyelid Height/Widget ∗EyeLid Global Movements ∗Eyelash rig setup 2 睫毛复杂处理的另外一种方法 ∗Auto eyelash collision 睫毛自动碰撞  ∗

Week 6 – Setting up the Mouth 嘴的设置

Zip lipSeal rig setup 嘴唇闭合以及拉链效果Mouth Shape Sculpting 嘴的shape的雕刻Lips offset 嘴的级次控制lipSeal falloff ∗Lip/Mouth movements ∗Three Curve Principle ∗Lip Roll ∗

Week 7 – Facial Sculpting (Brow, Cheek) 眉弓和脸颊的设置

Brow Shape Sculpting 眉弓的shape雕刻Brow offset 眉弓的次级控制Three Curve Principle ∗Brow control Twist ∗Cheek Shape  ∗Three curve principle  ∗Cheek puff/suck  ∗Balancing ∗

Week 8 – Head Squash stretch, Skull and NLF setup 头部挤压拉伸、头骨和NLF的设置

Upper head squash stretch 头部的挤压拉伸Lower head squash stretch 下巴的挤压拉伸Skull rig setup 头骨的设置NLF rig setup NLF的设置

Week 9 – Blendershapes 处理blendShape

Transfering models between Mudbox and Maya 在Mudbox和Maya之间传递模型Mouth, Brows, Cheeks, Puff/Suck, lipCurlConnecting blend shapes up 连接所有的shapeCreate corrective shape 修型Splitting Blendshapes 分割blendshapeMirroring Blendshapes 镜像blendshapeCombination Blendshapes 组合所有blendshapePython scripts什么是贴图blendShape?

Week 10 – Connecting it all together 连接所有mesh

Flatten Face Rig 连接并精简绑定Clean up 整理文件

Week 11 – Final Rig testing and fine tuning 测试并调整绑定

Facial expresion test animation 表情测试Present the rig to animation 提交————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

使用软件:                                         Maya  2015 或以上Mudbox 2015 或以上学习要求:                                         掌握maya的基础操作熟悉rigging的基本知识

支付方式:支付宝账号:18618411548.   price:US 1100$

课程咨询:WeChat/QQ: 95871461   Or email me:  cgdzgg@gmail.com


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