



Unity User Manual 2023.3 (LTS)在 Unity 中操作编辑器功能Project SettingsQualityPreset ManagerScript Execution Order 设置Quality

Unity allows you to set the level of graphical quality it attempts to render. Generally speaking, quality comes at the expense of framerate and so it may be best not to aim for the highest quality on mobile devices or older hardware since it tends to have a detrimental effect on gameplay. Use the Quality settings (menu: Edit > Project Settings, then select the Quality category) to select the Quality Level in the Editor for the chosen device. It is split into two main areas: the Quality matrix appears at the top; and below it, the settings for the active Quality Level appear.

Unity lets you assign a name to a given combination of quality options for easy reference. The rows of the matrix let you choose which of the different platforms each Quality Level applies to. The Default row at the bottom of the matrix is not a Quality Level in itself but rather sets the default Quality Level used for each platform (a green checkbox in a column denotes the level currently chosen for that platform). Unity comes with six Quality Levels pre-enabled but you can add your own levels.

A: The Quality Level you have defined in this project.B: The currently active Quality Level.C: The configuration of the current Quality Level.

To delete an unwanted Quality Level, use the trashcan icon (the rightmost column).

To select a Quality Level for editing, click on its name in the matrix.

To define a new Quality Level, click the Add Quality Level button and type the name for the new level in the Name property box.


RenderingTexturesParticlesTerrainShadowsAsync Asset UploadLevel of DetailMeshes

Rendering属性描述Render PipelineThe Render Pipeline Asset to use for this Quality Level.Pixel Light Count设置 Unity 使用前向渲染时的最大像素光照数。AntiAliasingChoose the level of Multi-Sample Anti-aliasing (MSAA) that the GPU performs. The options are Disabled, 2x Multi Sampling, 4x Multi Sampling and 8x Multi Sampling.

Anti aliasing smooths the appearance of polygon edges. As the level of anti-aliasing increases, so does the smoothness and the performance cost on the GPU.

MSAA is compatible only with Forward rendering. For more information on other types of anti-aliasing and compatibility, see Post processing.

Realtime Reflection Probes启用此选项可在游戏过程中更新反射探针。Resolution Scaling Fixed DPI Factor将设备的屏幕分辨率降低到原始分辨率以下。有关

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