

Hex #996600 Gamboge Orange Brown Color Code and Scheme

Color Schemes with Hex #996600 (Gamboge Orange Brown)Complementary Color

Two colors are on opposite sides of the color wheel. This combination provides a combination of high contrast and high impact colors that will appear brighter and more prominent.

996600153,102,00033990,51,153Analogous Color

Three colors side by side on the color wheel. They usually match well to create a quiet and comfortable design. Analogous color schemes are often found in nature and are harmonious and pleasing to the eye.

991a00153,26,0996600153,102,0809900128,153,0Split Complementary Color

This combination consists of one color and the colors on both sides of the complementary color. By including three shades, this strategy adds more variety than complementary color schemes without being too harsh or too bold.

1a009926,0,153996600153,102,00080990,128,153Triadic Color

Three colors evenly distributed on the color wheel. This provides a high contrast color scheme, Triadic Color combination creates a bold, vibrant color palette.

660099102,0,153996600153,102,00099660,153,102Tetradic Color

Four colors evenly distributed on the color wheel. These color combinations are always loud and fun, and the vibrancy makes the design stand out. Tetradic color scheme is bold and works best if one color is dominant.

990033153,0,51996600153,102,00099660,153,1020033990,51,153Monochromatic Color

This combination is different variations of a single hue. This combination consists of varying tints, shades, and tones of the chosen hue. These combinations are great for simplifying busy designs and creating a harmonious, visually appealing look.

33220051,34,04d330077,51,0664400102,68,0805500128,85,0996600153,102,0b37700179,119,0cc8800204,136,0e69900230,153,0ffaa00255,170,0Tint Color

Tint combination is created by adding white to the base hue to brighten the color. This can make the colors less intense and is very useful when balancing more vivid color combinations.

996600153,102,0bd7e00189,126,0e09600224,150,0ffac05255,172,5ffb829255,184,41ffc44d255,196,77ffcf70255,207,112ffdb94255,219,148ffe7b8255,231,184fff3db255,243,219Shade Color

Shade combination is created by adding black to the base hue and darkening the color. This creates a deeper and richer color. The shadows can be quite dramatic and can be overpowering.

996600153,102,0916100145,97,08a5c00138,92,0825700130,87,07a5200122,82,0734d00115,77,06b4700107,71,063420099,66,05c3d0092,61,054380084,56,0Tone Color

Tone is a hue or mixture of pure colors to which only pure gray is added (equal amounts of black and white). Adding gray to a color will make the intensity much duller.


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