

中英对照初学棒球术语(Part 2) – 棒童<棒球里好球用英语怎么说>

快速入门一个行当的诀窍就是了解它的术语。这里为棒球初学者选择一批经常出现在规则、比赛或训练口语交流中的棒球中英文对照的术语,便于在学习和对外比赛交流中使用。有翻译不当的地方随时留言告诉我们。Cleanup hitter 清垒打者Fourth batter in the lineup and usually the one with the most power on the team. 打线中的第四棒,通常是球队中力量最大的。Clear the bases 清空垒包When a hit scores all the runners on base. 打者让垒上跑垒员全部得分。Clutch 关键球A strong performance in a pressure situation. 在压力局面下的强力表现。That was a clutch hit.这是一个关键安打。He’s one of the team’s most clutch hitters。他是球队关键球的打者之一。Closer 终结者The team’s best relief pitcher. Pitches the ninth inning in a save situation. 球队最好的中继投手。保局时投第九局。Change up 变速球An off-speed pitch that is mostly straight and looks like a fastball, but may have sinking action or arm side run. 一个慢速的投球,看上去像快速直球,但是可能会有一个下沉或投手手臂侧的位移。Chin music 下颚粉碎球When a pitcher throws one up and in to the hitter (near his head).投手投出的离打者头部近的内角高球。

Come backer  返回投手球A ball hit back at the pitcher.击球员击出的直接打向投手的球。

Count 球数The number of balls and strikes on a batter.对一个打者的好球和坏球数。3-2 = three balls and two strikes 3球2击/3坏球2好球1-1 = one ball and one strike 1球1击/1坏球1好球Crooked number 弯曲比分When a team scores 2 or more numbers in an inning, they’ve hung a crooked number on the scoreboard.球队在一局得分2分或

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