

10 Microsoft FrontPage Alternatives – SaaS Discovery

PSPad is a lightweight yet powerful code editor that enables developers and web authors to perform HTML previewing, syntax highlighting, within an intuitive graphical user interface. The application is concerned with efficiency. The application can write a full function automatically by just writing a few words because it is packed with auto-completion functionality. You can easily realign or reuse any code or text with the line manipulation feature. It contains embedded templates and themes that you can add while editing to make your website more alluring. Decorating any website with templates and themes is very important because it attracts the target audience. Once the audience is attracted, more traffic will be generated on your website or blog.

The core features of the platform include work with projects, work on several documents at the same time (MDI), Save desktop sessions to later reopen all open files, FTP client – you can edit files directly from the web, macro recorder to record, save and load macros, search and replace in files, text difference with color-coded differences highlighted, templates (HTML tags, scripts, code templates), the installation contains templates for HTML, PHP, Pascal, JScript, VBScript, MySQL, MS-Dos, Perl, syntax highlighting auto set by file type, user-defined highlighters for exotic environments, auto-correction, intelligent internal HTML preview using IE and Mozilla, and full HEX editor.

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