

欢迎访问OverDrive, Inc.(赛阅公司)中国子公司网站!

欢迎访问OverDrive, Inc.(赛阅公司)中国子公司网站! 公司简介

OverDrive Inc. (赛阅公司)是全球领先的图书馆电子书供应商,成立于1986年,总部位于美国俄亥俄州的克利夫兰市。公司拥有行业内最多的电子书、有声书、期刊及其它资源,服务全球75000多家图书馆、学校、机构,覆盖80个国家和地区。








为合作的图书馆定制个性化数字图书馆网站 多种格式的数字内容统一在一个网站上,电子书、有声书、配音电子书等,方便读者使用 移动图书馆功能强大(不额外收费),支持远程借阅,适配多种终端 支持微信阅读 配音电子书和有声书的播放速度都可以调节,适合中国读者学习外语使用 电子书字体大小可调节,有专门供有阅读障碍读者使用的字体,带字典查询功能、笔记、书签功能等 有读者荐书功能(不额外收费)、读者可以预约不在库中的内容,可以续借或提前归还 内容优质,拥有大量《纽约时报》畅销书、国际大奖(诺贝尔奖、布克奖、普利策奖、雨果奖、纽伯瑞奖,等等)英文原版作品 100多种语言的内容,包括英语、法语、德语、西班牙语、意大利语、日语、韩语等 分级阅读:英语内容可按兴趣等级、蓝思标准、ATOS标准、文字难度等进行分级阅读搜索 图书馆只选其所需要的模式和内容,无搭配销售,可以让有限经费实现最大化的使用 所有内容都经过中国官方授权的出版物进口公司审核,热点、畅销书籍,中国读者可以及时获取,一睹为快。 部分中国客户的OverDrive赛阅数字图书馆网址 首都图书馆 上海图书馆 上海少年儿童图书馆 广州少年儿童图书馆 浙江图书馆 深圳图书馆之城 江苏省少儿数字图书馆 宁波图书馆 中山纪念图书馆 北京西城区青少年儿童图书馆 香港中文大学(深圳) 复旦大学管理学院





中小学校图书馆包括:北京英国学校 顺义校区、北京顺义国际学校、北京乐成国际学校、北京鼎石国际学校、上海宋庆龄学校、上海协和国际学校、广州英国学校、大连美国国际学校、上海美国学校、上海耀中外籍人员子女学校、上海德威英国国际学校、苏州德威英国国际学校、南京国际学校、包玉刚实验学校、深圳南山国际学校、武汉长江国际学校、启明星双语学校、厦门国际学校,等等。






电子邮箱:info@overdrivechina.cn 微信号: Lisalpzhang

地址: 中国北京市朝阳区东大桥路9号侨福芳草地A座3层 赛阅科技(北京)有限公司


Welcome to OverDrive, Inc. About OverDrive

OverDrive is the leading digital reading platform for libraries and schools worldwide. We strive to create “a world enlightened by reading” by delivering the industry’s largest catalog of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines and other digital media to a growing network of 75,000 libraries and schools in 80+ countries. Our popular reading apps provide best-in-class user experience and tools for staff management: the Libby app for libraries is one of PCMag’s Best Free Software of 2023 and Popular Mechanics’ 20 Best Apps of the 2010s, while the student reading app Sora is one of TIME’s Best Inventions of 2023. Founded in 1986, OverDrive is based in Cleveland, Ohio USA and was named a Certified B Corp in 2017.

OverDrive’s China subsidiary, OverDrive Science and Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., is based in Beijing. It has been helping China to promote Chinese culture globally and providing services to our Chinese library, school and university customers.

Business Introduction

OverDrive provides both contents and technical services to our customers. More than 2.3 million titles in multiple languages are available to China market. All contents sold to Chinese libraries and schools have been pre-approved for import by the officially licensed Chinese importers.

The highlights of our content are Read-Alongs, award winners, and bestsellers in various subjects. English children books are the favorite of many public libraries.

On technical services, we apply our globally cutting-edge technology in digital library to our Chinese customers, which include both the platform for librarians and the platform for readers. Almost all devices that could be linked to Wifi could be used for OverDrive ebooks and audiobooks. OverDrive Digital Library supports WeChat reading.

OverDrive provides training and promotion services to our library and school customers. To help our customers to reach the maximum readers and achieve the most circulation is our goal.

Sample OverDrive Digital Libraries in China Capital Library Shanghai Library Shanghai Children’s Library Guangzhou Children’s Library Zhejiang Library Shenzhen Library City Jiangsu Children’s Digital Library Ningbo Library Beijing Xicheng Children’s Library Zhongshan Public Library Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) School of Management Fudan University OverDrive Customers in China

OverDrive China has been providing services to all the major provincial and city libraries in China, including Shanghai Library, Capital Library, Shenzhen Library, Zhejiang Library, Hubei Provincial Library, Jiangsu Children’s Digital Library, Shanghai Children’s Library, Guangzhou Children’s Library, Beijing Xicheng Children’s Library, Hangzhou Library, Suzhou Library, Ningbo Library, Wenzhou Library, Jiaxing Library, Changsha Library, Chengdu Library, Weifang Library, Kunming Children’s Library, Tongzhou District Library, Jing’an District Library, Zhuhai Jianwan District Library, etc..

Our academic customers include China Academy of Social Sciences, Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), School of Management Fudan University, etc.

Our school customers include International School of Shunyi, Harrow International School Beijing, International School of Nanshan Shenzhen, Nanjing International School, Shanghai Soong Ching Ling School, Shenzhen International Foundation College, The British School of Beijing Shunyi, Wuhan Yangtze International School, Yew Chung International School of Shanghai Puxi, YK Pao School, etc.

Scores of top Chinese publishers are also OverDrive’s customers. We have been the leader in selling the ebooks and audiobooks in Chinese and other languages from China to the world.

Contact information

Email: info@overdrivechina.cn WeChat account: Lisalpzhang

Address: OverDrive Science and Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Third Floor, Block A, Parkview Green No. 9 Dongdaqiao Road Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020 P.R. China


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