

雅思口语当季话题卡:喜欢的天气Describe a kind of weather you like<湿润的气候英语翻译>

雅思口语当季话题卡:描述你喜欢的天气Describe a kind of weather you like 思 […]

雅思口语当季话题卡:描述你喜欢的天气Describe a kind of weather you like




Describe a kind of weather you like

You should say

What it is

Where you go in this weather

What you do in this weather

And explain why you like it

What kind of weather it is




A kind of weather I enjoy is the sunny day when the temperature fluctuates around 25 degrees Celsius, which makes my body feel comfortable. I also like it when the soft sunlight lightens up the river and streets in the city and when the breeze gently touches our faces, and the birds singing on the trees. These are just the perfect images that I can picture during this day.

我喜欢的天气是晴天。温度在25度左右徘徊,柔和的阳光照亮河水和街道,微风拂过(breeze gently 人们的脸庞,鸟儿在树上歌唱。

Well, it usually comes out at the end of spring or the beginning of fall. You know, it often feels quite chilly in the early morning or the late evening of these seasons. This article is from Laokaoya website. Whereas, in the summer, I don’t particularly enjoy the strong sunlight which might burn our skins.


When this kind of weather approaches, I would ask some of my friends out. You know, we usually play some basketball or soccer at school, and then go find an eatery and enjoy our foods at the patio or some open-air areas. Sometimes, we chat and eat and enjoy the quality time together.

当这种天气出现的时候,我会叫上几个朋友,一起到学校里打篮球或者踢足球。运动之后,我们会找一家饭店,坐在外面(open air),点上一些烤肉(grilled meat)和啤酒,尽情享受。聊聊最近的情况,开开玩笑,或者玩一些游戏。

I feel that this kind of weather is a gift from god. You know, it provides me an opportunity to have an escape from the heavy workload. I really cherish this day with my friends and make it a great chance for me to enhance our relationship or to strike a balance between my studies and work.

这种天气是上天的恩赐(gift from the god)。它为我逃离(escape from)繁重的工作/学习提供机会。我会充分利用这一天与我的朋友尽情的放松,增进我们之间的友谊,平衡工作与学习之间的关系。

Part 3 追加问题

What do people wear in different weather?

How does weather influence people’s life?

What are people’s opinions on the weather forecast?

Are there any festivals about seasons?


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