























Dear members and distinguished guests,

Good evening! I’m***, (briefly introduce yourself), I’m so glad to be tonight’s Toastmaster of the meeting.

(Introduce the theme, could ask several related questions to call for some thoughts)

It is the evaluation that makes toastmasters different from English corner. Evaluation would give us guidance and help us to improve continuously.  So I would like tointroduce you a very important team called Evaluation Team.  Tonight, leading this team we have ***, he is……..(introduce a bit), let’s show our warm welcome for *** and his evaluation team!

(GE team introduction)

Thank you for your detailed introduction,and looking forward to your reports!

Next, we will listen to 3 prepared speeches. The 1st prepared speech comesfrom ***, he……(introduce)

He will deliver his C1 speech, the ice-breaking speech, objective of this speech is:  His individual evaluator is;  The time requirement is 4-6 minutes; The speech title is

(Do some transitions)

Now let’s listen to the professional evaluators, coming first is the evaluator ***, he……(introduce), he will evaluate ***’s C1 speech.

(Do some transitions)

After listening to so many wonderful speeches, we will have a 10-minute break.Enjoy your networking time. Wehave also prepared some food and  water for you. And if you have not paid the entrance fee,please contact the SSA- the reception person.


Welcome back! For the 2nd half of themeeting, you will have your show-time! Yes, the exciting Table Topics Session! In this session, we will have a table topicsmaster, who will raise several questions one by one.  Please raise your hand and come to the stage to answer the question by a 1-2 minutes’ mini speech. Please also write yourname and key words on the white board so that we will vote for a best table topics speaker, who will get a surprise at the end of the meeting. Seize the chance!

Today, *** will lead this session, he is…..(introduce a bit), let’s give him a round applause!

It’s time to welcome back the most diligent team—the evaluation team. Welcome general evaluator *** and his team!


Thank you for all your feedback report.

Ladies and gentlemen, do you like tonight’s meeting? Personally, I like it very much. Please follow me to recap this meeting.

In the prepared speech session, *** shared with us her ***skills and experience, and we saw a role model in these areas.

In the table topics session led by ***, we had a heated discussion on *** and we learned a lot.

After this meeting, we have reaped a harvest of laughers and inspirations. Hope you like tonight’s meeting! I now give the control back to President!
































(3)将较难的问题留给会员,但要优先选择没有任务的会员 (可参看名单和会议日程表)。最好不要选择有团体评估任务的会员。




Toastmaster of the Evening, fellow members& most welcome guests:

Good evening!  I am very glad to be the Table Topics Master tonight.

Table Topics or impromptu speaking is to help you think on your feet and aloud. This exercise would turn you into a quick witted and eloquent person.   

Tonight the theme of the meeting is(see agenda)

I will ask questions or give instructions based on this theme and invite one of you to the stage to deliver aone-two-minute speech. 

Dear guests, please be reminded that your participation is more than welcome in this section.

I will write down the name of the speakers in order on the white board.  Please vote on your favorite speaker in the form handed out by our SAA. The ballot counter will collect the forms during the break.

At the end of our meeting, our president would announce and award the best table topic speaker.













( 2)向SAA索取即兴点评空白表格


















Toastmaster ofthe Evening, fellow members & distinguished guests:

Good evening!I’m pleased to be the Timer of tonight’s meeting.

My job is to help you finish your speech on time.

Prepared speakers, TTM and trainer,please note the following rules:

· When you see the green card, it means you have met the minimum time requirement.

· When you see the yellow card, you have one minute left, and

· When you see the red card, please finish your speech within 30 seconds.

Table Topic speakers, Evaluators and other role takers, please note the following rules:

· When you see the green card, it means you have met the minimum time requirement.

· When you see the yellow card, you have 30 seconds left, and

· When you see the red card, please finish your speech within 30 seconds.

* For all speakers, if you do not finish your speech in 30 seconds after the red card is held up, I will ring the belland you will have to stop immediately.

Thank you,Toastmaster of the Evening!

Toastmaster of the Evening!


Toastmaster of the Evening, fellow members & distinguished guests: Here comes my Timer report for tonight’s session.












Toastmaster of the Evening, fellow members & distinguished guests: 

Good evening! I’m pleased to be the Ah-Counter of tonight’s meeting.

My job is to help you eliminate the “ah” language in your speech to improve the quality of your presentation. They are meaningless redundancy like “ah”, “er” and “em” or words like “well”, “and”,“but, “so”, and “you know” etc.  I will count the number of the “ahs” you make. 

At the end of the meeting, I will deliver a report based on my observation and records.

Toastmaster of the Evening!


Toastmaster of the Evening, fellow members& distinguished guests:

Here comes my Ah-Counter’s report fortonight’s session.













(2)英文会议中,每周一词通常指大家平时用的较少,甚至不知道的,但在英语日常用法里面使用较多较频繁的新词,例如形容词、动词、名词和词组或者固定搭配或说法。介绍这个词的目的是为了让大家学会在自己的演讲中正确使用这个新词。所以,语法官要解释这个新词的意思,举例造句,还要说明这个词的确切用法。例如:take a dim view of sth。当然,俱乐部最好备一个每周一词的词库,以免语法官“辞穷”。目前英文会议存在的常见问题是:










Toastmasterof the Evening, fellow members & distinguished guests:

Goodevening! I’m pleased to be the Grammarian of tonight’s meeting.

Asa grammarian, my job is to pick out and jot down the good usage and bad usage of language during the meeting. I will pay attention to your pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary, etc.  At the end of the meeting, I will deliver areport based on my observation and records. 

NowI would like to introduce the “word of tonight” to you and hope all of you canuse this word as much as possible during the meeting. The Word is…I will make some sentences by using this word for your reference… You can make some noise when you heard this word. 

Toastmaster of the Evening!


Toastmaster of the Evening, fellow members & distinguished guests:

Here comes my grammarian report for tonight’s session.










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