

代码转换 · Jest


Jest 会在项目里以原始的 JavaScript 执行,所以如果你用了一些 Node 环境不支持的语法 (比如 JSX, TypeScript, Vue 模板语法),那就要把你的代码转译成原始的 JavaScript,这就跟你在构建浏览器前端代码时要做的转译工作一样。

Jest 提供 transform 配置来支持 Js 转译。

转译器(Transformer) 是一个能提供转译源代码能力的模块。 举个例子,假如你想在你的业务和测试代码中使用一些还没被 Node 支持的新语言特性,你可以引入一个代码预处理器来将新版本的 JavaScript 转译成当前支持的版本。



Jest ships with one transformer out of the box – babel-jest. 它会加载你项目的 Babel 配置,然后转译所有能正确匹配 /.[jt]sx?$/ 正则表达式的文件(也即所有 .js,.jsx,.ts 或 .tsx 文件)。 此外,babel-jest还将会注入 ES Module mocking中所提到的Babel插件。


记住,如果你想将它和其他代码预处理器一起使用,那必须要显式地引入默认的 babel-jest 转译器,

"transform": { "\.[jt]sx?$": "babel-jest", "\.css$": "some-css-transformer",}编写自定义Transformers​

你可以编写专属的Transformer, Transformer的API如下所示:

interface TransformOptions { supportsDynamicImport: boolean; supportsExportNamespaceFrom: boolean; /** * The value is: * - `false` if Jest runs without Node ESM flag `--experimental-vm-modules` * - `true` if the file extension is defined in [extensionsToTreatAsEsm](Configuration.md#extensionstotreatasesm-arraystring) * and Jest runs with Node ESM flag `--experimental-vm-modules` * * See more at https://jestjs.io/docs/next/ecmascript-modules */ supportsStaticESM: boolean; supportsTopLevelAwait: boolean; instrument: boolean; /** Cached file system which is used by `jest-runtime` to improve performance. */ cacheFS: Map; /** Jest configuration of currently running project. */ config: ProjectConfig; /** Stringified version of the `config` - useful in cache busting. */ configString: string; /** Transformer configuration passed through `transform` option by the user. */ transformerConfig: TransformerConfig;}type TransformedSource = { code: string; map?: RawSourceMap | string | null;};interface SyncTransformer { canInstrument?: boolean; getCacheKey?: ( sourceText: string, sourcePath: string, options: TransformOptions, ) => string; getCacheKeyAsync?: ( sourceText: string, sourcePath: string, options: TransformOptions, ) => Promise; process: ( sourceText: string, sourcePath: string, options: TransformOptions, ) => TransformedSource; processAsync?: ( sourceText: string, sourcePath: string, options: TransformOptions, ) => Promise;}interface AsyncTransformer { canInstrument?: boolean; getCacheKey?: ( sourceText: string, sourcePath: string, options: TransformOptions, ) => string; getCacheKeyAsync?: ( sourceText: string, sourcePath: string, options: TransformOptions, ) => Promise; process?: ( sourceText: string, sourcePath: string, options: TransformOptions, ) => TransformedSource; processAsync: ( sourceText: string, sourcePath: string, options: TransformOptions, ) => Promise;}type Transformer = | SyncTransformer | AsyncTransformer;type TransformerCreator = (transformerConfig?: TransformerConfig) => X;type TransformerFactory = { createTransformer: TransformerCreator;};备注

为了简洁起见,上面某些类型没有完全列出。 Full code can be found in Jest repo on GitHub (remember to choose the right tag/commit for your version of Jest).

使用 Jest 时,有几种引入模块的方式 - 使用 Common JS (require) 或者 ECMAScript Modules (import -静态和动态引入) Jest 会按需把文件传给转译器 (比如,当检测到 require 或 import 的时候) 这个过程也称为 "转译",可

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