

#005885 hex color<005885>

#005885 Color Information

In a RGB color space, hex #005885 is composed of 0% red, 34.5% green and 52.2% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 100% cyan, 33.8% magenta, 0% yellow and 47.8% black. It has a hue angle of 200.3 degrees, a saturation of 100% and a lightness of 26.1%. #005885 color hex could be obtained by blending #00b0ff with #00000b. Closest websafe color is: #006699.

♥ftgR 0G 35B 52RGB color chartC 100M 34Y 0K48CMYK color chart

● #005885 color description : Dark blue.

#005885 Color Conversion

The hexadecimal color #005885 has RGB values of R:0, G:88, B:133 and CMYK values of C:1, M:0.34, Y:0, K:0.48. Its decimal value is 22661.

Hex triplet 005885 #005885RGB Decimal 0, 88, 133 rgb(0,88,133)RGB Percent 0, 34.5, 52.2 rgb(0%,34.5%,52.2%)CMYK 100, 34, 0, 48HSL 200.3°, 100, 26.1 hsl(200.3,100%,26.1%)HSV (or HSB) 200.3°, 100, 52.2Web Safe 006699 #006699CIE-LAB 35.345, -4.758, -31.367XYZ 7.722, 8.672, 23.456xyY 0.194, 0.218, 8.672CIE-LCH 35.345, 31.726, 261.374CIE-LUV 35.345, -22.725, -42.921Hunter-Lab 29.449, -4.727, -26.611Binary 00000000, 01011000, 10000101Color Schemes with #005885#005885 #005885 rgb(0,88,133)#852d00 #852d00 rgb(133,45,0)Complementary Color#008570 #008570 rgb(0,133,112)#005885 #005885 rgb(0,88,133)#001685 #001685 rgb(0,22,133)Analogous Color#857000 #857000 rgb(133,112,0)#005885 #005885 rgb(0,88,133)#850016 #850016 rgb(133,0,22)Split Complementary Color#588500 #588500 rgb(88,133,0)#005885 #005885 rgb(0,88,133)#850058 #850058 rgb(133,0,88)Triadic Color#00852d #00852d rgb(0,133,45)#005885 #005885 rgb(0,88,133)#850058 #850058 rgb(133,0,88)#852d00 #852d00 rgb(133,45,0)Tetradic Color#002539 #002539 rgb(0,37,57)#003652 #003652 rgb(0,54,82)#00476c #00476c rgb(0,71,108)#005885 #005885 rgb(0,88,133)#00699f #00699f rgb(0,105,159)#007ab8 #007ab8 rgb(0,122,184)#008bd2 #008bd2 rgb(0,139,210)Monochromatic ColorAlternatives to #005885

Below, you can see some colors close to #005885. Having a set of related colors can be useful if you need an inspirational alternative to your original color choice.

#007985 #007985 rgb(0,121,133)#006e85 #006e85 rgb(0,110,133)#006385 #006385 rgb(0,99,133)#005885 #005885 rgb(0,88,133)#004d85 #004d85 rgb(0,77,133)#004285 #004285 rgb(0,66,133)#003785 #003785 rgb(0,55,133)Similar Colors#005885 PreviewText with hexadecimal color #005885

This text has a font color of #005885.

Text here#005885 background color

This paragraph has a background color of #005885.

Content here

#005885 border color

This element has a border color of #005885.

Content hereCSS codes.text {color:#005885;}.background {background-color:#005885;}.border {border:1px solid #005885;}Shades and Tints of #005885

A shade is achieved by adding black to any pure hue, while a tint is created by mixing white to any pure color. In this example, #000a0f is the darkest color, while #fbfeff is the lightest one.

#000a0f #000a0f rgb(0,10,15)#001723 #001723 rgb(0,23,35)#002437 #002437 rgb(0,36,55)#00314a #00314a rgb(0,49,74)#003e5e #003e5e rgb(0,62,94)#004b71 #004b71 rgb(0,75,113)#005885 #005885 rgb(0,88,133)#006599 #006599 rgb(0,101,153)#0072ac #0072ac rgb(0,114,172)#007fc0 #007fc0 rgb(0,127,192)#008cd3 #008cd3 rgb(0,140,211)#0099e7 #0099e7 rgb(0,153,231)#00a6fb #00a6fb rgb(0,166,251)Shade Color Variation#0faeff #0faeff rgb(15,174,255)#23b5ff #23b5ff rgb(35,181,255)#37bbff #37bbff rgb(55,187,255)#4ac2ff #4ac2ff rgb(74,194,255)#5ec8ff #5ec8ff rgb(94,200,255)#71cfff #71cfff rgb(113,207,255)#85d6ff #85d6ff rgb(133,214,255)#99dcff #99dcff rgb(153,220,255)#ace3ff #ace3ff rgb(172,227,255)#c0eaff #c0eaff rgb(192,234,255)#d3f0ff #d3f0ff rgb(211,240,255)#e7f7ff #e7f7ff rgb(231,247,255)#fbfeff #fbfeff rgb(251,254,255)Tint Color VariationTones of #005885

A tone is produced by adding gray to any pure hue. In this case, #3d4448 is the less saturated color, while #005885 is the most saturated one.

#3d4448 #3d4448 rgb(61,68,72)#38464d #38464d rgb(56,70,77)#334752 #334752 rgb(51,71,82)#2e4957 #2e4957 rgb(46,73,87)#294b5c #294b5c rgb(41,75,92)#244c61 #244c61 rgb(36,76,97)#1f4e66 #1f4e66 rgb(31,78,102)#1a506b #1a506b rgb(26,80,107)#145171 #145171 rgb(20,81,113)#0f5376 #0f5376 rgb(15,83,118)#0a557b #0a557b rgb(10,85,123)#055680 #055680 rgb(5,86,128)#005885 #005885 rgb(0,88,133)Tone Color VariationColor Blindness Simulator

Below, you can see how #005885 is perceived by people affected by a color vision deficiency. This can be useful if you need to ensure your color combinations are accessible to color-blind users.

Monochromacy #434343Achromatopsia0.005% of the population#364750Atypical Achromatopsia0.001% of the populationDichromacy #4b5a86Protanopia1% of men#3c5c8dDeuteranopia1% of men#00656bTritanopia0.001% of the populationTrichromacy #2f5986Protanomaly1% of men, 0.01% of women#265a8aDeuteranomaly6% of men, 0.4% of women#006074Tritanomaly0.01% of the population

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