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View PDFchevron_right中國大陸當代藝術批評 : 理論模式和歷史視角 : 中國藝術批評家的概念方法Anny Lazarus


Depuis 1979, les critiques d'art en Chine ont accompagné le développement de l’art contemporain, participant à la renaissance de la vie intellectuelle durement éprouvée sous le règne de Mao. Les revues d'art reflètent l’évolution de leur réflexion. Dans ma thèse je présente d’une part ce paysage intellectuel dans lequel s’est construite la critique d’art chinoise, et d’autre part, après avoir analysé comment certains concepts passent d’une langue à l’autre, j’aborde les textes théoriques et leur réception dans le milieu académique. Attirés au départ par la pensée occidentale, un champ référentiel qui s’étend de Platon à Danto, les critiques chinois se sont tournés ensuite vers le corpus classique, voire le Livre des mutations, pour forger des outils “propres à la Chine” afin de ré-écrire une histoire de l’art contemporain chinois délivrée du carcan post-colonial, mais au risque de se prendre au piège d’un nationalisme insidieux encouragé par le Parti. Les larges extraits que...

View PDFchevron_right高校博物馆创办实践流程与理论要点 Research on the Practical Process and Theoretical Points of University Museum EstablishmentLANG XIAO

科学教育与博物馆 Science Education and Museums, 2024

基于对高校博物馆的历史背景和新馆筹建过程中出现的具体问题概括总结为基础,从实践路径和可参考法律法规两 个角度出发,综合归纳目前高校博物馆的创办流程和建设重点。在此基础上,提出了新馆筹建的整体方针与决策路径,并对高校 博物馆藏品体系进行了规划。此外,论文深入探讨了现行馆长与基金会制度,综合论述了高校博物馆运营和管理中需要注意的 事项,以期为高校博物馆的可持续发展提供有益的参考,为相关决策提供具体可行的建议。 This paper is grounded in a comprehensive synthesis of the historical backdrop of university museums and the specific issues that emerge during the initiation of new museum facilities. It takes a dual perspective, examining both the practical implementation pathways and the legal and regulatory frameworks that can be referenced. The study systematically consolidates the founding processes and construction focal points of contemporary university museums. Building on this foundation, the study introduces an overarching policy and decision-making framework for the establishment of new museum facilities and articulates a strategic plan for the curation of university museum collections. Furthermore, the paper engages in an in-depth exploration of the current roles of museum directors and the foundation system, providing a comprehensive discourse on considerations pivotal to the operation and management of university museums. The aim is to furnish beneficial insights conducive to the sustainable development of university museums and to proffer concrete and practicable recommendations for pertinent decision-makers.

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Voices from the Underworld, 2023

View PDFchevron_rightStruggle Values in Main Characters in The Climbers Film: Sosiology of Literature Review 《攀登者》电影中主角奋斗的价值观:文学社会分析Intan Erwani

Sinolingua: Journal of Chinese Studies

This research discusses the struggle values of the main characters in The Climbers film. The purpose of this research is to describe the struggle values of the main character in The Climbers film. This research is based on Joyomartono's theory of struggle values to find out the struggle values shown by the characters in The Climbers film. The theoretical basis used in this research is the sociology of literary theory. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data collection method used is the listening and note-taking technique. The data analysis method used is interactive model introduce by Miles Huberman and Saldana techniques, namely data collection, data presentation, condensation and, conclusion. Based on the analysis of The Climbers film, the struggle values contained in this film include four components, namely, the value of self-sacrifice, the value of cooperation, the value of unyielding spirit and the value of helping each other. Thus, it can b...

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