




1、 ACF Annuity compound factor

2、 ADF Annuity discounted factor

3、 PVIFA Present-Value Interest Factors of Annuity

4、 FVIFA Future-Value Interest Factors of Annuity

5、 XFVA X可能是先付年金的声母(没有查到具体出处)Future-Value of Annuity

6、 XPVA X可能是先付年金的声母(没有查到具体出处)Present-Value of Annuity

7、 RA relavant asset

8、 RL relavant liability

9、 RE Retained Earnings

10、 DOL Degree of Operational Leverage

11、 DFL Degree of Financial Leverage

12、 DCL Degree of Combined Leverage

13、 DTL Degree of Total Leverage

14、 EBIT Earnings before interest and tax

15、 EAT Earnings after tax

16、 EPS Earnings per share

17、 NDR Net debt ratio

18、 NPV Net present value

19、 NCF Net cash flow

20、 CFAT Cash flow after tax

21、 PI Profitability index

22、 ANPV Average of Net present value

23、 JIT Just-in-time

24、 CD(现金折扣百分比但是不知道单词) cash discount

25、 SP 这个是市销率PS吧:price to sales

26、 FCFF Free Cash Flow for the Firm


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