

CCF 等级会议排名 / CORE Ranking排名 / CCF 中文期刊排名

CCF 等级会议排名/ 国际计算机CORE Ranking 排名 / CCF中文期刊排名


此目录官网地址(含详细学科分类): https://www.ccf.org.cn/Academic_Evaluation/By_category/ 计算领域高质量科技期刊分级目录(CCF中文期刊推荐): https://www.ccf.org.cn/ccftjgjxskwml/ CORE Ranking 地址:https://www.core.edu.au/conference-portal

下面是国际计算机排名列表 CORE Computer Science Conference Rankings (评级最高是A*,含CCF英文推荐收录)。CCF 收录论文 要求苛刻,对会议期刊的创办年限也有要求,所以一些年轻优质的会议期刊未收录,这时可以参照这份国际排名了。CCF 收录论文的评级和Core Ranking的排名大致是相同的,只是CCF最高是A, Core Rank 最高是A*。

AcronymStandard NameRankAAAINational Conference of the American Association for Artificial IntelligenceA+AAMASInternational Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent SystemsA+ACLAssociation of Computational LinguisticsA+ACMMMACM Multimedia ConferenceA+ASPLOSArchitectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating SystemsA+CAVComputer Aided VerificationA+CCSACM Conference on Computer and Communications SecurityA+CHIInternational Conference on Human Factors in Computing SystemsA+COLTAnnual Conference on Computational Learning TheoryA+CRYPTOAdvances in CryptologyA+CSCLComputer Supported Collaborative LearningA+DCCIEEE Data Compression ConferenceA+DSNInternational Conference on Dependable SystemsA+EuroCryptInternational Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic TechniquesA+FOCSIEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer ScienceA+FOGAFoundations of Genetic AlgorithmsA+HPCAIEEE Symposium on High Performance Computer ArchitectureA+I3DGACM-SIGRAPH Interactive 3D GraphicsA+ICAPSInternational Conference on Automated Planning and SchedulingA+ICCVIEEE International Conference on Computer VisionA+ICDEIEEE International Conference on Data EngineeringA+ICDMIEEE International Conference on Data MiningA+ICFPInternational Conference on Functional ProgrammingA+ICISInternational Conference on Information SystemsA+ICMLInternational Conference on Machine LearningA+ICSEInternational Conference on Software EngineeringA+IJCAIInternational Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceA+IJCARInternational Joint Conference on Automated ReasoningA+INFOCOMJoint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications SocietiesA+InfoVisIEEE Information Visualization ConferenceA+IPSNInformation Processing in Sensor NetworksA+ISCAACM International Symposium on Computer ArchitectureA+ISMARIEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented RealityA+ISSACInternational. Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic ComputationA+ISWCIEEE International Symposium on Wearable ComputingA+IWQoSIFIP International Workshop on QoSA+JCDLACM Conference on Digital LibrariesA+KRInternational Conference on Principles of KR & ReasoningA+LICSIEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer ScienceA+MOBICOMACM International Conferencem on Mobile Computing and NetworkingA+NIPSAdvances in Neural Information Processing SystemsA+OOPSLAACM Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and ApplicationsA+OSDIUsenix Symposium on Operating Systems Design and ImplementationA+PERCOMIEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and CommunicationsA+PERVASIVEInternational Conference on Pervasive ComputingA+PLDIACM-SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design & ImplementationA+PODCACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed ComputingA+PODSACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Conferenceon Principles of Database SystemsA+POPLACM-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Prog LangsA+RSSRobotics: Systems and ScienceA+RTSSReal Time Systems SympA+SENSYSACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor SystemsA+SIGCOMMACM Conference on Applications, Technologies,Architectures, and Protocols for Computer CommunicationA+SIGGRAPHACM SIG International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive TechniquesA+SIGIRACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information RetrievalA+SIGKDDACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningA+SIGMETRICSACM SIG on computer and communications metrics and performanceA+SIGMODACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data ConferenceA+SODAACM/SIAM Symposium on Discrete AlgorithmsA+SOSPACM SIGOPS Symposium on Operating Systems PrinciplesA+STOCACM Symposium on Theory of ComputingA+UAIConference in Uncertainty in Artifical IntelligenceA+UbiCompUniquitous ComputingA+VLDBInternational Conference on Very Large DatabasesA+WWWInternational World Wide Web ConferenceA+ACM-HTACM Hypertext ConfAAHInternational Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based SystemsAAIDInternational Conference on AI in DesignAAIEDInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence in EducationAAIIMArtificial Intelligence in MedicineAAIMEArtificial Intelligence in Medicine in EuropeAAiMLAdvances in Modal LogicAALENEXWorkshop on Algorithm Engineering and ExperimentsAALIFEInternational Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living SystemsAAMAIArtificial Intelligence and MathsAAMIAAmerican Medical Informatics Annual Fall SymposiumAAOSDAspect-Oriented Software DevelopmentAAPPROXInternational Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization ProblemsAASAPInternational Conference on Apps for Specific Array ProcessorsAASEAutomated Software Engineering ConferenceAASIACRYPTInternational Conference on the Theory and Applications of CryptologyAASIS&TAnnual conference of American Society for Information Science and TechnologyAATVAInternational Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and AnalysisAAVSSAdvanced Video and Signal Based SurveillanceABMVCBritish Machine Vision ConferenceABPMInternational Conference in Business Process ManagementACADEInternational Conference on Automated DeductionACAIPInternational Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and PatternsACaiSEInternational Conference on Advanced Information Systems EngineeringACANIMComputer AnimationACASESInternational Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded SystemsACBSEInternational Symposium Component-Based Software EngineeringACCInternational Conference on Compiler ConstructionACCCIEEE Symposium on Computational ComplexityACCGRIDIEEE Symposium on Cluster Computing and the GridACDCIEEE Conference on Decision and ControlACGIComputer Graphics InternationalACGOCode Generation and OptimizationACIDRConference on Innovative Data Systems ResearchACIKMACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge ManagementACLUSTERCluster Computing ConferenceACOCOONInternational Conference on Computing and CombinatoricsACogSciAnnual Conference of the Cognitive Science SocietyACOLINGInternational Conference on Computational LiguisticsACONCURInternational Conference on Concurrency TheoryACoNLLConference on Natural Language LearningACoopISInternational Conference on Cooperative Information SystemsACoordinationInternational Conference on Coordination Models and LanuguagesACPInternational Conference on Principles & Practice of Constraint ProgrammingACPAIORInternational Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization ProblemsACSBIEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics ConferenceACSCWACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative WorkACSFWIEEE Computer Security Foundations WorkshopACSSACCognitive Science Society Annual ConferenceACVPRIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionADACDesign Automation ConfADASInternational Workshop on Document Analysis SystemsADASFAADatabase Systems for Advanced ApplicationsADATEIEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe ConferenceADEXAInternational Conference on Database and Expert Systems ApplicationsADIGRADigital Games Research ConferenceADISDesigning Interactive SystemsADISCInternational Symposium on Distributed Computing (ex WDAG)ADocEngACM Symposium on Document EngineeringADOODDeductive and Object-Oriented DatabasesADUXDesign for User ExperienceAEAAIEngineering Applications of Artifical IntelligenceAEACLEuropean Association of Computational LinguisticsAEASEInternational Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software EngineeringAECACM Conference on Electronic CommerceAECAIEuropean Conference on Artificial IntelligenceAECCVEuropean Conference on Computer VisionAECDLEuropean Conference on Digital LibrariesAECISEuropean Conference on Information SystemsAECMLEuropean Conference on Machine LearningAECOOPEuropean Conference on object-oriented programmingAECRTSEuromicro Conference on Real-Time SystemsAECSCWEuropean Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative WorkAECWebInternational Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web TechnologyAEDBTExtending Database TechnologyAEKAWInternational Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge ManagementAEMMSADExploring Modelling Methods in Systems Analysis and DesignAEMNLPEmpirical Methods in Natural Language ProcessingAEMSOFTACM Conference on Embedded SoftwareAESAEuropean Symposium on AlgorithmsAe-scienceIEEE International Conference on e-science and Grid ComputingAESEMInternation Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and MeasurementAESOPEuropean Symposium on ProgrammingAESORICSEuropean Symposium on Research in Computer SecurityAESQARUInternational Joint Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Practical ReasoningAESWCEuropean Semantic Web ConferenceAEuroCOLTEuropean Conference on Computational Learning TheoryAEUROGRAPHEuropean Graphics ConferenceAEuroParInternational Conference on Parallel ProcessingAEuroPVM/MPIEuopean PVM/MPI Uswers’ Group ConferenceAEuroSpeechEuropean Conference on Speech Communication and TechnologyAEuroSPIEuropean SPIAEuroSysEurosys ConferenceAEWSNEuropean conference on Wireless Sensor NetworksAFCCMIEEE Symposium on Field Programmable Custom Computing MachinesAFLOPSInternational Symposium on Functional and Logic ProgrammingAFMEFormal Methods EuropeAFODOInternational Conference on Foundation on Data OrganizationAFORTEIFIP Joint Int’l Conference on Formal Description Techniques and Protocol Specification, Testing, And VerificationAFPSACFormal Power Series and Algebraic CombinatoricsAFSEACM Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (inc ESEC-FSE when held joInternationaly [sic])AFSRInternational Conference on Field and Service RoboticsAFST&TCSFoundations of Software Technology & Theoretical Computer ScienceAFUZZ-IEEEIEEE International Conference on Fuzzy SystemsAGDGraph DrawingAGridInternational Conference on Grid ComputingAGroupACM Special Interest Group on Supporting Group Work (was SIGGRoup)AHiPCInternational Conference on High Performance ComputingAHOTCHIPS (HCS)Symposium on High Performance ChipsAHOTNETSACM Workshop on Hot Topics in NetworksAHotOSUSENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating SystemsAHPDCIEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed ComputingAHypertextACM Conference on Hypertext and HypermediaAIC3NInternational Conference on Computer Communication and NetworksAICADLInternational Conference of Asian Digital LibrariesAICALPInternational Colloquium on Automata, Languages and ProgrammingAICALTIEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning TechnologiesAICARCVInternational Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and VisionAICCIEEE International Conference on CommunicationsAICCADInternational Conference on Computer-Aided DesignAICCLIEEE International Conference on Computer LanguagesAICCSInternational Conference on Computational ScienceAICCSInternational Conference on Conceptual StructuresAICDARIEEE International Conference on Document Analysis and RecognitionAICDCSIEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing SystemsAICDTInternational Conference on Database TheoryAICECCSIEEE International Conference on Engineering and Complex Computer SystemsAICERInternational Computing Education Research WorkshopAICGGInternational Conference on Grid ComputingAICIAPInternational Conference on Image Analysis and ProcessingAICIPIEEE International Conference on Image ProcessingAICLPInternational conference on Logic ProgrammingAICMASInternational Conference on Multi Agent SystemsAICNNIEEE International Conference on Neural NetworksAICNPInternational Conference on Network ProtocolsAICONIPInternational Conference on Neural Information ProcessingAICPPInternational Conference on Parallel ProcessingAICPRInternational Conference on Pattern RecognitionAICSACM International Conference on SupercomputingAICSC2International Computer Symposium ConferenceAICSMInternational. Conferenceon Software MaintenanceAICSOCInternational Conference on Service Oriented ComputingAICSPInternational Conference on Software ProcessAICSPCInternational Conference on Security in Pervasive ComputingAICSRIEEE International Conference on Software ReuseAICTLInternational Coference on Temporal LogicAIDAIntelligent Data AnalysisAIEEE-AlifeIEEE International Symposium on Artificial LifeAIEEE-CECCongress on Evolutionary ComputationAIEEE-MMIEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and SystemsAIEEETKDEIEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data EngineeringAIFIP_WG 11.3IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security (was IFIP-DBSEC)AIJCNLPInternational Joint Conference on Natural Language ProcessingAIJCNNIEEE International Joint Conference on Neural NetworksAILPSInternational Logic Programming SymposiumAIMIFIP/IEEE Integrated Management (odd years sharing with NOMS)AIMCInternet Measurement ConferenceAINTERACTIFIP International Conference on Human-Computer InteractionAIPCOMPS Conference on integer programming & combinatorial optimizationAIPDPSIEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (was IPPS and SPDP)AISAACInternational Symposium on Algorithms and ComputationAISDInternational Conference on Information Systems DevelopmentAISESEInternational Symposium on Empirical Software EngineeringAISMBIntelligent Systems in Molecular BiologyAISRInternational Symposium on RoboticsAISSCCIEEE International Solid-State Circuits ConferenceAISSRInternational Symposium on Robotics ResearchAISSREInternational Symposium on Software Reliability EngineeringAISSTAInternation Symposium on Software Testing and AnalysisAISTAInternational Conference on Information Systems Technology and its ApplicationAISTCSIsrael Symposium on Theory of Computing and SystemsAISWCInternational Semantic Web ConferenceAITiCSEAnnual Conference on Integrating Technology into Computer Science EducationAITSInternational Conference on Intelligent Tutoring SystemsAIUIIntelligent User InterfacesAIVCNZImage and Vision Computing ConferenceAJELIALogics in Artificial Intelligence, European ConferenceAJICSLP/ICLP/ILPSInternational Conference/Symposium on Logic Programming (Joint)AK-CAPKnowledge captureALCNIEEE Conference on Local Computer NetworksALCTESACM SIGPLAN Conference on Languages, Tools, and Compilers for Embedded SystemsALPARLogic Programming and Automated ReasoningALPNMRInternational Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic ReasoningAMASCOTSSymposium Model Analysis & Simulation of Computer & Telecommunications SystemsAMASSIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor SystemsAMassParSymposium on Frontiers of Massively Parallel ProcessingAMICROInternational Symposium on MicroarchitectureAMiddlewareACM/IFIP/USENIX th International Middleware ConferenceAMIRACM SIGMM International Woekshop on Multimedia Information RetrievalAMMCNACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and NetworkingAMMSPInternational Workshop on Multimedia Signal ProcessingAMOBIHOCACM Symposium of mobile and ad hoc computingAMobileHCIInternational Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and ServicesAMobiquitousInternational Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networks and ServicesAMobisysACM SIGMOBILE International Conference on mobile systems, applications and servicesAMODELSInternational Conference on the Unified Modeling Language (formerly UML)AMSWIMACM/IEEE International Conference on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile SystemsANAACLNorth American Association for Computational LinguisticsANDSSUsenix Networked and Distributed System Security SymposiumANet Object DaysIncludings [sic] MATES, ENASE etc.ANetStoreNetwork Storage SymposiumANetworking 200XIFIP Networking 200XANOSSDAVNetwork and OS Support for Digital A/VANSDISymposium on Networked Systems, Design and ImplementationAOPENARCHIEEE Conference on Open Architecture and Network ProgrammingAP2PIEEE International Conference on Peer-toPeer ComputingAPACTInternational Conference on Parallel Architecture and Compilation TechniquesAPADLPractical Aspects of Declarative LanguagesAPADSACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Parallel & Distributed SimulationAPAKDDPacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningAPDCParticipatory Design ConferenceAPEPMACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evalutation and Program ManipulationAPERFORMANCEIFIP International Symposium on Computing Performance, Modelling, Measurement and EvaluationAPGPacific GraphicsAPKDDEuropean Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in DatabasesAPPoPPPrinciples and Practice of Parallel ProgrammingAPPSNParallel Problem Solving from NatureAPRO-VEIFIP Working Conferences on Virtual EnterprisesAPTPerformance Tools - International Conference on Model Techniques & Tools for CPEAQoSAConference on the Quality of Software ArchitecturesAQSICInternational Quality Software ConferenceARAIDSymposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion DetectionARANDOMInternational Workshop on Randomization and ComputationAREIEEE Requirements EngineeringARECOMBAnnual International Conferenceon Comp Molecular BiologyARoboCupRobot Soccer World CupARSTInternational Conference on Reliable Software TechnologiesARTAInternational Conference on Rewriting Techniques and ApplicationsARTASIEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications SymposiumAS&PIEEE Symposium on Security and PrivacyASARASymposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and ApproximationASASStatic Analysis SymposiumASATInternational Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability TestingASCAACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer AnimationASCCIEEE International Conference on Services ComputingASCGACM Symposium on Computational GeometryASCOPESInternational Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded SystemsASDMSIAM International Conference on Data MiningASDSDIUnix Symposium on Operating Systems Design and ImplementationASIGCSEACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education ConferenceASMSIEEE International Symposium on Software MetricsASPAASymposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and ArchitecturesASPICESoftware Process Improvement and Capability DeterminationASRDSSymposium on Reliable Distributed SystemsASSDBMInternational Conference on Scientific and Statistical Data Base ManagementASSPRStructural and Statistical pattern recognitionASSRACM Symposium on Software ReusabilityASSTDInternational Symposium on Spatial DatabasesASTACSSymposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer ScienceASUPERACM/IEEE Supercomputing ConferenceASWATScandinavian Workshop on Algorithm TheoryATABLEAUXInternational Conference on Theorem Proving with Analytic Tableaux and Related MethodsATACASTools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of SystemsATARKTheoretical Aspects of Rationality and KnowledgeATIMEInternational Symposium on Temporal Representation and ReasoningATRECText Retrieval ConferenceAUISTACM Symposium on User Interface Software and TechnologyAUMInternational Conference on User ModellingAUSENIXUSENIX Annual Technical ConferenceAUSENIX-SecurityUsenix SecurityAUSITSUnix Symposium on Internet TechnologiesAVCIPSPIE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image ProcessingAVISIEEE VisualizationAVL/HCCIEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (was VL)AVLSIIEEE Symposium VLSI CircuitsAVMCAIVerification, Model Checking and Abstract InterpretationAWACVIEEE Workshop on Apps of Computer VisionAWADSWorkshop on Algorithms and Data StructuresAWICSAEEE/IFIP Working Conference on Software ArchitectureAWISEInternational Conference on Web Information Systems EngineeringAWoWMoMIEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia NetworksAWPHOLInternational Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order LogicsAAAAAECCInternational Symposium on Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting CodesBAAIMConference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and ManagementBACALAustralian Conference on Artificial LifeBACCVAsian Conference on Computer VisionBACEAustralasian Conference on Computer Science EducationBACISAustralasian Conference on Information SystemsBACISPAustralasian Conference on Information Security and PrivacyBACIVSAdvanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision SystemsBACOSMAustralian Conference on Software MetricsBACRAAustralian Conference on Robotics and AutomationBACSAustralian Supercomputing ConfBACSACAustralasian Computer Systems Architecture Conference (now Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference)BACSCAustralasian Computer Science ConferenceBACSDApplication of Concurrency to System DesignBADBISSymposium on Advances in DB and Information SystemsBADCAustralasian Database ConferenceBADCSAustralasian Document Computing SymposiumBADHOC-NOWInternational Conference on AD-HOC Networks & WirelessBADTIInternational Symposium on Advanced DB Technologies and IntegrationBAI*IACongress of the Italian Assoc for AIBAINAInternational Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (was ICOIN)BAISPAustralasia Conference on Information Security and PrivacyBALEXAlgorithms and ExperimentsBALGENGG Workshop on Algorithm EngineeringBALPInternational Conference on Algebraic and Logic ProgrammingBALTAWAustralasian Language Techology Association WorkshopBAMCISAmericas Conference on Information SystemsBAMOCAsian International Mobile Computing ConferrenceBANALCOWorkshop on Analytic Algorithms and CombinatoricsBANNIEArtificial Neural Networks in Engineering ConferenceBANTSInternational Workshop on Ant ColonyBANZIISAustralian and New Zealand Intelligent Information Systems ConferenceBAofAConference on Analysis of AlgorithmsBAOIRInternet ResearchBAOISAgent-Oriented Information Systems WorkshopBAOSEAgent-Oriented Software Engineering WorkshopBAPAMIAsia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics ConferenceBAPBCAsia-Pacific Bioinformatics ConferenceBAPCCIEEE Asia Pacific Conference on CommunicationsBAPCHIAsia-Pacific Conference on Computer Human InteractionBAPLASASIAN Symposium on Programming Languages and SystemsBAPNOMSAsia-Pacific Network Operations and Management SymposiumBAPSECAsia-Pacific Software Engineering ConferenceBAPWEBAsia Pacific Web ConferenceBARANational Conference of the Australian Robot AssociationBARESInternational Conference on Availability, Reliability and SecurityBASADMChicago ASA Data Mining Conference- A Hard Look at DMBASIANAsian Computing Science ConferenceBASSIEEE Annual Simulation SymposiumBASWECAustralian Software Engineering ConferenceBASWECAustralian Software Engineering ConferenceBAUICAustralasian User Interface ConferenceBAusAIAustralian Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceBAusDMAustralian Data Mining ConferenceBAusWITAustralian Women in IT ConferenceBAWOCAAustralasian Workshop on Combinatorial AlgorithmsBAWREAustralian Workshop on Requirements EngineeringBAWTIArgentine Workshop on Theoretical InformaticsBBASYSIEEE/IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation SystemsBBNCODBritish National Conference on DatabasesBBroadnetsInternational Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and SystemsBCAAICanadian Artificial Intelligence ConferenceBCAANWorkshop on Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of NetworkingBCACSDIEEE/IFAC Joint Symposium on Intelligent ControlBCAIAConference on Artificial Intelligence for ApplicationsBCATSComputing: The Australasian Theory SymposiumBCCAIEEE International Conference on Control ApplicationsBCCCGCanadian Conferenceon Computational GeometryBCCWIEEE Computer Communications WorkshopBCDIFIP/ACM Working Conference on Component DeploymentBCEASInternational Conference on Email and Anti-SpamBCEC/EEEIEEE Conference on Electronic Commerce Technology and Enterprise Computing, e_Commerce and e-ServicesBCGAWorkshop on Computational Geometry and ApplicationsBCHESCryptographic Hardware and Embedded SystemsBCIAAInternational Conference on Implementation and Application of AutomataBCIACItalian Conference on Algorithms and ComplexityBCICLINGConference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational LinguisticsBCISTMConference on Information Science, Technology and ManagementBCITBComplexity and information-theoretic approaches to biologyBCOCOAConference on Combinatorial Optimization and ApplicationsBCOMADInternational Conference on Management of DataBCOMMONSENSESymposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense ReasoningBCompLifeInternational Symposium on Computational Life ScienceBCOMPSACInternational Computer Software and Applications ConferenceBCONPARInternational Conference on Vector and Parallel ProcessingBCPMCombinatorial Pattern MatchingBCSL,2 th Annual Conference on Computer Science LogicBDACDigital Arts and CultureBDAFXDigital Audio Effects ConferenceBDAISIFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Inoperable SystemsBDaWaKData Warehousing and Knowledge DiscoveryBDB&ISInternational Baltic Conference on Databases and Information SystemsBDCOSSIEEE Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor SystemsBDICTAAustralian Pattern Recognition Society ConferenceBDISRAIEEE International Workshop on Distributed Intelligent Simululation and Real-Time ApplicationsBDITWInternationale Tagung WirtschaftsinformatikBDLTDevelopments in Language TheoryBDMTCSInternational Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer ScienceBDNAMeeting on DNA Based ComputersBDSOMIFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems Operations and ManagementBDS-RTDistributed Simulation and Real-time ApplicationsBDSSDistributed Simulation SymposiumBDXDiagnosticsBDYSPANIEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access NetworksBECAIMEuropean Conference on AI in MedicineBECALEuropean Conferene on Artificial LifeBECBSAnnual IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based SystemsBECCBEuropean Conference on Computational BiologyBECEGEurpopean Conference on e-GovernmentBECIMEEuropean Conference on Information Management and EvaluationBECIREuropean Conference on Information RetrievalBED-MEDIAWorld Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and TelecommunicationsBEDOCThe Enterprise Computing ConferenceBEEEIEEE e-technology, e-service and e-commerce conferenceBEGCEuropean Grid ConferenceBEmnetsIEEE Embedded Sensor Networks WorskhopBEPIAPortuguese Conference on Artificial IntelligenceBERInternational Conference on Conceptual ModelingBERCIM/CSCLPERCIMAnnual Workshop on Constraint Solving and Contraint Logic ProgrammingBESEAEuromicro International Conference on software engineering and applicationsBESECEuropean Software Engineering ConferenceBESMEuropean Simulation MulticonferenceBESSEuropean Simulation SymposiumBEuAdaAda-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software TechnologiesBEUROGPEuropean Conference on Genetic ProgrammingBEuroPDPEUROMICRO Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based processingBEUSIPCOEuropean Signal Processing ConferenceBEWLREuropean Workshop on Learning RobotsBFASEFundamental Approaches to Software EngineeringBFCKAMLFrench Conference on Knowledge Acquisition & Machine LearningBFCTFundamentals of Computation TheoryBFEMInternational Conference on Formal Engineering MethodsBFEWFDBFar East Workshop on Future DB SystemsBFIEFrontiers in EducationBFINCRYFinancial CryptographyBFOSSACSFoundations of Software Science and Computational StructuresBFSENCRYFast Software EncryptionBFTPInternational Workshops on First-Order Theorem ProvingBFTRTFTFormal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault Tolerant SystemsBFUNConference on fun with algorithmsBGECCOGenetic and Evolutionary ComputationsBGLOBECOMIEEE Global Telecommunications ConferenceBGMPGeometry Modeling and ProcessingBGPCEInternational Conference on Generative Programming and Component EngineeringBHASEIEEE International Symposiumon High Assurance Systems EngineeringBHICSSHawaii International Conference on System SciencesBHLTHuman Language TechnologiesBHPCNInternational Conference on High Performance Computing and NetworkingBHPSRIEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and RoutingBIAAIInnovative Applications in AIBICA3PPIEEE International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel ProcessingBICAILInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence and LawBICANNInternational Conference on Artificial Neural NetworksBICASSPIEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal ProcessingBICATPNInternational Conference on the Application and Theory of Petri NetsBICCBInternational Conference on Case-Based ReasoningBICCBSSIEEE International Conference on COTS-Based Software SystemsBICCEInternational Conference on Computers in EducationBICCIInternational Conference on Computing and InformationBICDCNIEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and NetworkingBICEBEIEEE Conference on e-Business EngineeringBICEIMTInternational Confernce on Enterprise Integration and Modelling TechnologyBICEISInternational Conference on Enterprise Information SystemsBICGAInternational Conference on Genetic AlgorithmsBICGTInternational Conference on Graph TransformationsBICICSecInternational Conference on Information and Communications SecurityBICMEIEEE International Conference on Multimedia & ExpoBICMSInternational Conference on Multiagent SystemsBICONIEEE International Conference on NetworksBICPADSIEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed SystemsBICRAIEEE International Conference on Robotics and AutomationBICSCInternational Computer Science ConferenceBICSEAInternational Conference on Software Engineering AdvancesBICSECInternational Conferenceon Information and Communications SecurityBIC-SoftInternational Conference on Software and Data TechnologiesBICTACInternational Colloquium on Theoretical Ascpects of ComputingBICTAIIEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial IntelligenceBICWSIEEE International Conference on Web ServicesBIDEASInternational Database Engineering and Applications SymposiumBIEInteractive EntertainmentBIEAAIInternational Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert SystemsBIEEE RFIDIEEE International Conference on Remote Frequency IdentificationBIEEE-IVIntelligent Vehicles ConferenceBIFMIntegrated Formal MethodsBIFSAIFSA World CongressBIJCNLP2International Joint Conference on Computational LinguisticsBILPInductive Logic ProgrammingBINIEEE Intell Network WorkshopBINBSIEEE International Symposium on Intelleligence in Neural & Biological SystemsBINETInternet Society ConferenceBINFHWorkshop on Information HidingBInSITEInforming Science and IT Education ConferenceBIPCCCIEEE International Performance Computing and Communications ConferenceBIRISInformation Systems Research Seminar in ScandinaviaBIRMAInformation Resources Management Association International ConferenceBIROSIEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and SystemsBISCCIEEE Symposium on Computers & CommunicationsBISCISInternational Symposium on Computer and Information SciencesBISEATIntegration of Software Engineering and Agent TechnologyBISICIEEE International Symposium on Intelligent ControlBISMMInternational Symposium on Memory ManagementBITCIEEE International Test ConferenceBIWANNInternational Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural NetworksBIWCASEInternational Workshop on Cumpter-Aided Software EngBIWCMCACM International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing ConferenceBIWPECInternational Workshop on Parameterized and Exact ComputationBJCSCJournal of Computing Science in Colleges (conference proceedings)BJMLCJoint Modular Languages ConferenceBKESInternational Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering SystemsBKIGerman AI conferenceBKoliCalling Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education ResearchBLATINInternational Symposium on Latin American Theoretical InformaticsBLDTALanguage Descriptions, Tools and ApplicationsBLENLSLogic & Engineering of Natural Language SemanticsBLFCSLogical Foundations of Computer ScienceBLOPSTRInternational Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and TransformationBLPMAInternational Workshop on Logic Programming and Multi-AgentsBM2VIPMechatronics and Machine Vision in PracticeBMATESGerman conference on Multi-Agent system TechnologiesBMCUUniversal Machines and ComputationsBMDMInternational Conference on Mobile Data Access/Management (MDA/MDM)BMEDINFOWorld Congeress on Medical InformaticsBMEGAMethods Effectives en Geometrie AlgebriqueBMFCSMathematical Foundations of Computer ScienceBMLMIJoint workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learnig AlgorithmsBMMMMultimedia ModellingBMPCMathematics of Program ConstructionBMPCSInternational Conference on Massively Parallel Computing SystemsBMPPOIMassively Parallel Processing Using Optional InterconnectionsBNCCNational Conference CommunicationsBNGDBInternational Symposium on Next Generation Data Base Systems and ApplicationsBNOMSIEEE Network Operations and Management SymposiumBNORDCHINorwegian Computer Human InteractionBODPIFIP International Conference on Open Distributed ProcessingBOPODISInternational Conference on Principles of Distributed SystemsBOZCHIAustralian Computer Human Interaction ConferenceBPACESPacific Asian Conference on Expert SystemsBPACISPacific Asia Conference on Information SystemsBPACLICPacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and ComputationBPACLINGConference of the Pacific Association for Computational LinguisticsBPAMPassive and Active Measurement ConferenceBPASTEACM SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and EngineeringBPATATPractice and Theory of Automated TimetablingBPDCATInternational Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and TechnologiesBPIMRCIEEE International Symposium on Personal and Indoor Mobile Radio ConferenceBPKAWPacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition WorkshopBPKCPublic Key CryptosystemsBPLILPSymposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic ProgrammingBPPDPInternational Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative ProgrammingBPPIGAnnual PPIG WorkshopBPRICAIPacific Rim International Conference on Artificial IntelligenceBPRIMAPacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-AgentsBPROFESProduct Focused Software Process ImprovementBPROSimInternational Workshop on Software Process Simulation and ModelingBPSIErshov conferenceBQsineInternational Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless NetworksBQualITInternational Conference on Qualitative Research in IT & IT in Qualitative ResearchBREFSQInternational Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software QualityBRIDEInternational Workshop on Research Issues in Data EngineeringBRSARSA Conference (a security conference)BRTCSAInternational Conference on Real-Time and Embedded Computing Systems and ApplicationsBSACACM Symposium on Applied ComputingBSAFECOMPInternational Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and SecurityBSAFEProcessIFAC Symposioum on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical ProcessesBSAGASymposium on Stochastic Algorithms, Foundations, and ApplicationsBSBBDBrazilian Symposium on DatabasesBSCAIScandinavian Conference on Artifical IntelligenceBSCRAASmart Card Research and Advanced Application ConferenceBSCSCSummer Computer Simulation ConferenceBSEALAsia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution & LearningBSECIFIP International Information Security ConferenceBSECONIEEE Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and NetworksBSecureCommIEEE/CreateNet International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication NetworksBSECURITYUsenix Security SymposiumBSEEPInternational Conference on Software Engineering: Education and PracticeBSEFMInternational Conference on Software Engineering and Formal MethodsBSEKEInternational Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge EngineeringBSEQAPPInternational Conference on Sequences and their ApplicationsBSIGCHI-NZInternational NZ Conference on Computer-Human InteractionBSIGOPS-EWACM SIGOPS European WorkshopsBSIROCCOColloquium on Structural Information and Communication ComplexityBSMCIEEE Conference on Systems, Man and CyberneticsBSOFTCOMMConferenceon Software in Tcomms and Comp NetworksBSoMeTInternational Conference on Software Methods and ToolsBSPECWorkshop on Security and Privacy in E-commerceBSPICISSingapore International Conferenceon Intelligent SystemBSPIREInternational Symposium on String Processing and Information RetrievalBSSTAustralasian Speech Science & TechnologyBSTEPSoftware Technology and Engineering Practice ConferenceBSWDCInternational Conference on Software DevelopmentBTOOLSTechnology of object-oriented languages and systemsBUKAISUK Academy of Information Systems conferenceBUKSSUnited Kingdom Systems SocietyBUMCUnconventional Models of ComputationBUMLUnified Modelling LanguageBVAPPVector and Parallel ProcessingBVDBVisual Database SystemsBVEEInternational Conference on Virtual Execution EnvironmentsBVTCIEEE Vehicular Technology ConferenceBWABIWorkshop on Algorithms in BioinformaticsBWAEWorkshop on Algorithm EngineeringBWAISInternational Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and StatisticsBWCESWorld Congress on Expert SystemsBWCNCIEEE Wireless Communications and Networking ConferenceBWCNNWorld Congress on Neural NetworksBWCREIEEE Working Conference on Reverse EngineeringBWCSSWorld Congress on Systems SimulationBWCWWeb Caching WorkshopBWDAGWorkshop on Distributed Algorithms (DISC since 1998)BWGWorkshop on Graph TheoryBWIIEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web IntelligenceBWiOptInternational. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless NetworksBWoLLICWorkshop on Logic, Language, Information and ComputationBWORDSInternational Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable SystemsBWSCWinter Simulation ConferenceBAdComInternational Conference on Advanced Computing and CommunicationsCAENIASTED International Conferenceon AI, Exp Sys & Neural NetworksCAIIASTED International Conference on Applied InformaticsCAIAArtificial Intelligence and Applications ConferenceCAILInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence and LawCAISAdvances in Intelligent SystemsCAIS SIGED:IAIMInternational Academy for Information Management) International Conference on Informatics Education & ResearchCAISATInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Science and TechnologyCAMASTAlgebraic Methodology and Software TechnologyCANNESConference on Artificial Neural Networks and Expert systemsCAPCOMinApplication of Computers and Operations Research in the Minerals IndustriesCAPORSConference of the Association of Asian-Pacific Operational Research SocietiesCAPPIA/GULP/PRODEJoint Conference on Declarative Programming APPIA-GULP-PRODECAQSDTSymposium on Assessment of Quality S/W Dev ToolsCARTDBActive and Real-Time Database SystemsCARVLSIAdvanced Research in VLSICASCIASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft ComputingCASMIASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and ModellingCBCIFIP International Conference on Broadband CommunicationsCBECCBled Electronic Commerce ConferenceCBIBEIEEE Bioinformatics and BioengineeringCCAADRIAConference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in AsiaCCAINEISCA International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and EngineeringCCATAInternational Conference on Computers and their ApplicationsCCATEIASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in EducationCCCRTSInternational Command and Control Research and Technology SymposiumCCCTAFIntelligent Multimedia, Computing and Communications Technologies and Applications of the FutureCCDBConstraint Databases and ApplicationsCCHPCInternational Conference on High Performance ComputingCCIBCBIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational BiologyCCIEAEMConference of the Commission Internationale pour l’Etude et l’Amelioration de l’Enseignement des MathematiquesCCIMCAInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and AutomationCCIRSYSInternational Symposium on Circuits and SystemsCCISSTInternational Conference Image Science, Systems and TechnologyCCODASInternational Symposium on Cooperative Database Systems for Advanced ApplicationsCCollECTeRCollaborative Electronic Commerce Technology and ResearchCCOMPDESInternational Symposium on Computer DesignCCOMSWAREte-Net/ICST International Conference on COMmunication System softWAre and MiddlewaRECCPDConstraint Programming DayCCryPACCryptography Policy and Algorithms ConferenceCCSEEConference on Software Engineering EducationCCSICCInternational CSI Computer ConferenceCCTACComputational Techniques and Applications ConferenceCCxSInternational Conference on Complex SystemsCDASDSymposium on Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed SystemsCDASWISData Semantics in Web Information SystemsCDBPLDatabases and Programming LanguageCDcwDistributed Communities on the Web WorkshopCDICTA/IVCNZJoint DICTA & IVCNZCDMDWDesign and Management of Data WarehousesCDMKDWorkshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryCDOLAPInternational Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAPCDSAAInternational Conference on Database Systems for Advanced ApplicationsCDSIAnnual Meeting of the Decision Sciences InstituteCDSLSEDomain - Specific Languages for Software EngineeringCDSTKMInternational Conference on Decision Support Through Knowledge ManagementCDTVEWorkshop on Database Technology for Virtual EnterprisesCDVATInformation Systems &Technologies /SPIE Conference on Digital Video Compression Algorithms & TechniquesCEFIS/EFDBSEngineering Federated Information (Database) SystemsCEFTF/IFCSJoint Meeting of the European Frequency and Time Forum and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers InCEICAREuropean Institute for Computer Anti-Virus ResearchEICAR ConferenceCEKMEuropean Conference on Knowledge ManagementCEMBCThe Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocietyCEMCISEuropean Mediterranean Info SystemsCEPAnnual Conference on Evolutionary ProgrammingCESCAPESymposium On Combinatorics, Algorithms, Probabilistic and Experimental MethodologiesCETHICOMPInternational Conference on the Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication TechnologiesCEUFITEuropean Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft ComputingCEuroBotEuropean Workshop on Advanced Mobile RobotsCEWCGEuropean Workshop on Computational GeometryCFATESA Satellite workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of SoftwareCFIRAFIRA Robot World CongressCFMICSInt. Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical SystemsCFMOODInternational Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed SystemsCFMPFormal Methods PacificCFMSEDSFormal Methods in Software Engineering and Defence Systems WorkshopCFOOLInternational Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented LanguagesCFQASFlexible Query-Answering SystemsCFTJPWorkshop on Formal Techniques for Java ProgramsCFUSIONInternational Conference on Information FusionCGeoCompInternational Conference on GeoComputationCGORConference on Operations ResearchCHASKELLHaskell WorkshopCHCIInternational Conference on Human-Computer InteractionCHealthComInternational Workshop on Enterprise Networking and Computing in Health Care IndustryCHICHealth Informatics ConferenceCHLPPInternational workshop on High-level parallel programming and applicationsCHPCInternational Conference and Exhibition on High Performance Computing in the Asia-Pacific RegionCIADIS ACIADIS International Conference Applied ComputingCIAIFInternational Workshop on Image Analysis and Information FusionCIAIMAnnual Conference of the International Academy for Information ManagementCIASIEEE Industry Applications Society Annual ConferenceCIATACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent TechnologyCIAWTICInternational Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies, and Internet CommerceCIBIMAInternational Business Information ManagementCICInternational Conference on Internet ComputingCICAIFAC Conference on AutomationCIC-AIInternational Conference on Artificial IntelligenceCICANNGAInternational Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic AlgorithmsCICAPRDTInternational Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition and Digital TechniquesCICCIMAInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia ApplicationsCICCITInternational Conference on Computer and Information TechnologyCICCSAInternational Conference on Communication Systems and ApplicationsCICEBInternational Conference on e-BusinessCICECIEEE International Conference on Evolutionary ComputationCICECommInternational Conference on Electronic CommerceCICEEInternational Conference on Engineering EducationCICILInternational Conference on Intelligent SystemsCICITAInternational Conference on Information Technology and ApplicationsCICMSOInternational Conference on Modelling, Simulation and OptimisationCICOTAInternational Conference on Optimization: Techniques And ApplicationsCICSRICInternational Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and CyberneticsCICSSEAInternational Conference “Software and Systems Engineering and their Applications”CICTTInternational Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in TourismCICVSInternational Conference on Virtual StorytellingCIDCIEEE Conference on Information, Decision and ControlCIDEALInternational Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated LearningCIDFCIDF CongressCiEMSsIntenational Environmental Modelling and Software SocietyCIFACInternational Federation of Automatic Control World CongressCIGARSSIEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing SymposiumCIICISAInternational ICSC Congress on Intelligent Systems and ApplicationsCIICSInnovative Internet Computer SystemsCIIWASInformation Integration and Web-based Applications and ServicesCIMSAIASTED International Conference on Internet, Multimedia Systems and ApplicationsCINAPInternational Conference on Applications of PrologCInterspeechInterspeechCIPMUInternational Conference on Information Processing and Management of UncertaintyCIPSIEEE International Conference on Intelligent Processing SystemsCIPythCInternational Python ConferenceCIRITAInternational Information Technology in Regional Areas ConferenceCISAS-SCIWorld Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and InformaticsCISAVIIAInternational Symposium on Audio, Video, Image Processing and Intelligent ApplicationsCISCIASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and ControlCISDSSConference of the International Society for Decision Support SystemsCISECONInformation Systems Education ConferenceCISFSTInternational Symposium on Future Software TechnologyCISIMPInternational Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech ProcessingCISITAIEEE International Symposium on Information Theory and Its ApplicationsCISORCIEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed ComputingCI-SPANInternational Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and NetworksCISSAInternational Symposium on Static AnalysisCISSDIInternational Symposium on Spatial Data InfrastructuresCISSDQInternational Symposium on Spatial Data QualityCISSSInternational Symposium on System SynthesisCISWInformation Security WorkshopCITHETInternational Conference on IT Based Higher Education and TrainingCITiRAInformation Technology in Regional Areas ConferenceCITISSymposium on Information Technology and Information SystemsCITWIEEE Information Theory Workshop on Detection, Estimation, Classification and ImagingCIWCInternational Web conferenceCIWCCIEEE International Workshop on Cluster Computing and the GridCIWDOMInternational Workshop on Distributed Object ManagementCIW-MMDBMSInt. Workshop on Multi-Media Data Base Management SystemsCJCISJoint Conference on Information SciencesCJECGIJoint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical InformationCJFPLCInternational French Speaking Conference on Logic and Constraint ProgrammingCJHPCWorkshop On Java For High-Performance ComputingCJURIXInternational Conference on Legal Knowledge-based SystemsCKAWKnowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management WorkshopCKDDMBDKnowledge Discovery and Data Mining in Biological Databases MeetingCKDEEWIEEE Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange WorkshopCKDEXKnowledge and Data Engineering Exchange WorkshopCKRDBKnowledge Representation Meets DatabasesCL&LWorkshop on Logic and LearningCLANMANIEEE LAN/MAN WorkshopCLARCNASA LaRC Formal Methods WorkshopCLawTechIASTED International conference Law and TechnologyCLCCSInternational Workshop on Logic and Complexity in Computer ScienceCLILaw via the InternetCLOCALGOSWorkshop on Localized Alg. and Protocols for WirelessCLRECLanguage Resources and Evaluatin ConferenceCMDDSMobility in Databases and Distributed SystemsCMDSRIAInternational Workshop on Multimedia Data Storage, Retrieval, Integration and ApplicationsCMETRICS(several conferences of these name - can’t rank)CMEWSMining for Enhanced Web SearchCMICIASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and ControlCMMEIEEE International Conference on Multimedia in EducationCMobiDEWorkshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile AccessCMODSIMInternational Congress on Modelling and SimulationCMODSSMultiple Objective Decision Support System ConferenceCMPOOLWorkshop on Multiparadigm Programming with OO LanguagesCMSIASTED International Conference on Modelling and SimulationCMSOIASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and OptimizationCMTNSInternational Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and SystemsCMVSPIntelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing SymposiumCNAFIPSNorth American Fuzzy Information Processing Society ConferenceCNAISONAISO Congress on Autonomous Intelligent SystemCNCA?CNCCISNational Conference on Computer and Information SystemsCNDBNational Database Conference (China)CNeMLaPJoint Conference on New Methods in Language Processing and Computational Natural Language LearningCNFMThe Northern Formal Methods WorkshopsCNHICNational Health Informatics ConferenceCNLDBApplications of Natural Language to Data BasesCNNSPIEEE International Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal ProcessingCNPDPAnnual IASTED International Conference on Networks, Parallel and Distributed Processing and ApplicationsCNPSCInternational Conference on Neural, Parallel and Scientific ComputationsCNRDMWorkshop on Network-Related Data ManagementCOASISOrganisations and Society in Information Systems WorkshopCOESS/IOCC/ACOFTJoint OECC, IOCC & ACOFTCOODBSWorkshop on Object-Oriented Database SystemsCOOISInternational Conference on Object Oriented Information SystemsCORPAConference on Operational Research Practice in AfricaCOTAOptimization: Techniques And ApplicationsCP&IPACES & ICILCPAAMPractical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology ConferenceCPADOSymposium on Programs as Data ObjectsCPAP/PACTPractical Aspects of PROLOG/Constraint TechnologyCPARCOParallel ComputingCPAWECPacific-Asia Workshop on Electronic CommerceCPCNSSPIE - Conference on Performance and Control of Network SystemsCPCSInternational Picture Coding SymposiumCPCWInternational Parallel Computing WorkshopCPDCNIASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and NetworksCPDCSIASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and SystemsCPDISParallel and Distributed Information SystemsCPDPInternational Parallel and Distributed Processing SymposiumCPDPTAInternational Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and ApplicationsCPEC&CONJoint AUPEC & EECONCPHYSDESInternational Symposium on Physical DesignCPMIPIEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on MultimediaCPPCISPan Pacific Conference on Information SystemsCPSBPacific Symposium on BiocomputingCPSORInternational Conference on Probability, Statistics and Operational ResearchCPTPCInternational Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public-Key CryptographyCQuantComInternational Conference on Experimental Implementation of Quantum ComputationCRFFInternational Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics & Factories of the FutureCRMIASTED International Conference on Robotics and ManufacturingCROVPIAInternational Conference on RoboticsCRSAnnual Convention for Survey, Mapping and Remote SensingCRTDBWorkshop on Real-Time DatabasesCSARCInternational Symposium on Automation and Robotics in ConstructionCSCWIEEE Workshop on Speech CodingCSEIASTED International Conference on Software EngineeringCSEAIASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and ApplicationsCSECRYPTInternational Conference on Information Security and CryptologyCSEETSoftware Engineering Education and Training ConferenceCSELCRYPAnnual Workshop on Selected Areas in CryptographyCSensor NetworksSensor NetworksCSFPScottish Functional Programming WorkshopCSimTecTSimulation Technology and Training ConferenceCSInTIEEE International Symposium on Information TheoryCSIPIASTED International Conference on Signal and Image ProcessingCSIRCSpatial Information Research Centre ColloquiumCSISTSpatial Information Science and Technology ConferenceCSITESociety for Information Technology and Teacher Education ConferenceCSPDSACM Symposium on Principles of Database SystemsCSQCSoftware Quality ConferenceCSQMInternational Conference on Software Quality ManagementCSREISSymposium on Requirements Engineering for Information SecurityCSRIG-ETSoftware Education ConferenceCSSCIFAC Conference on System Structure and ControlCSSGRRInternational Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Science, and Education on the InternetCSSSSymposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed SystemsCSTMInternational Conference on Systems Thinking in ManagementCSYSSYNInternational Symposium on System SynthesisCTAKMATheory and Applications of Knowledge MAnagementCTEInternational Conference on Technology EducationCTENCONIEEE Region Ten ConferenceCTIDSETechnology for Interactive Digital StorytellingCVDbSIFIP Working Conference on Visual Database SystemsCVDEASPIE Conference on Visual Data Exploration and AnalysisCVIIPIASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image ProcessingCVIPPan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information ProcessingCVISUALInternational Conference on Visual Information SystemsCVLFMVisual Languages and Formal MethodsCVLSIDInternational Conference on VLSI DesignCVSMMInternational Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMediaCW2GISInternational Workshop on Web and Wireless Geographical Information SystemsCWAIMInterational Conference on Web Age Information ManagementCWALCOMWorkshop on Algorithms and ComputationCWAWWorkshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web-GraphCWCCWorld Computer CongressCWCCEWorld Conference on Computers in EducationCWDSIWestern Decision Sciences Institute ConferenceCWebDBInternational Workshop on the Web and DatabasesCWEBISTInternational conference on Web Information Systems and TechnologiesCWebNetWorld Conference on the WWW and InternetCWECInternational Workshop on Entertainment ComputingCWFLPInternational Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic ProgrammingCWHISWorkshop on Hybrid Intelligent SystemsCWICSInternational Computer Symposium WorkshopCWIDMACM Workshop on Web Information and Data MangementCWMSCIWorld Multiconfs on Systems, Cybernetics & InformaticsCWoPPIEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing WorkshopsCWORLDCOMPWorld Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied ComputingCWTASAWorkshop on Theoretical and Algorithmic Aspects of Sensor and Ad-hoc NetworksCWWCAInternational Conference on Worldwide Computing and Its ApplicationsCZBInternational Conference of Z and B UsersCZUMInternational Conference of Z UsersCZUSERInternational Conference of Z UsersCInformatics in Education (journal, congress, symposium, etc all under this name - can’t rank)CACACAustralasian Computer Architecture ConferenceLACCMCCAustralasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial ComputingLACECAustralasian Computers in Education ConferenceLACIDAlgorithms and Complexity in DurhamLACKMIDSAustralian Conference for Knowledge Management and Intelligent Decision SupportLACMAAustralasian Computer Music ConferenceLACNNAustralian Conference on Neural NetworksLACSSCAsilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and ComputingLAFETEAsia-Pacific Forum on Engineering and Technology EducationLAICEAustralian Institute of Computer Ethics ConferenceLAICECAICEC ConferenceLAJWIESAustralia-Japan Joint Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary SystemsLAKAWAustralian Knowledge Acquisition WorkshopLANZMODSThe Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand MeetingLAPCHDLAsia Pacific Conference on Hardware Description LanguagesLAPDSIAsia Pacific Decision Science Institute ConferenceLAPRTSAustralasian Conference on Parallel and Real-Time SystemsLAPSEC/ICSCAsia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference and International Computer Science ConferenceLARSCAustralasian Remote Sensing ConferenceLASCILITEAnnual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary EducationLASDACAsia Pacific Design Automation ConferenceLASIVAustralian Symposium on Information VisualisationLASORNational Conference of The Australian Society for Operations ResearchLATNACAustralian Telecommunication Networks and Applications ConferenceLAUCADCApple University Consortium Academic & Developers ConferenceLAuCSSAustralasian Cognitive Science Society ConferenceLAURISAAustralasian Urban and Regional Information Systems Association ConferenceLAuRWAustralasian Refinement WorkshopLAusWebAustralian World Wide Web ConferenceLAUUGAustralian UNIX Users Group National ConferenceLAUUG/APWEBJoint Australian Unix Users’ Group and Asia Pacific World Wide Web ConferenceLAWOCAAustralasian Workshop on Combinatorial AlgorithmsLAWSAAustralian Workshop on Software ArchitectureLBCS-FMWBritish Computer Society Formal Aspects of Computing Science Specialist Group WorkshopLCanaDAMCanadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics ConferenceLCEGComputing in Education Group of Victoria ConferenceLCOMPUMODAustralasian Compumod Users’ ConferenceLCSRComputer Science Symposium in RussiaLDITAMDoing IT at MelbourneLDIVCJoint Australia and New Zealand Biennial Conference on Digital Image and Vision ComputingLFlAIRSFlorida Artificial Intelligence Research Society ConferenceLGCCCEGlobal Chinese Conference on Computers in EducationLICCCInternational Conference on Chinese ComputingLICTCSItalian Conference on Theoretical Computer ScienceLIDC(W)International Database Conference (HK CS)LIDEAWIntegrated Data Environments Australia WorkshopLINDOCRYPTInternational Conference on Cryptology in IndiaLMADYMOAustralian MADYMO Users MeetingLMATLABAustralian MATLAB ConferenceLMCDAAustralian Workshop on Mobile Computing, Databases and ApplicationsLMCSpoAustralian Conference on Mathematics and Computers in SportLMICC/ISPACSJoint IEEE Malaysia International Conference on Communications and IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication SystemsLNACCQNational Advisory Committee on Computing QualificationsLNORDSECNordic Workshop on Secure IT SystemsLODLAOpen and Distance Learning Association of Australia Bienniel ForumLPACCSPost-Graduate ADFA Conference on Computer ScienceLSCSSAustralian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and SoftwareLUWACSUniversity of Western Australia Computer Science Research ConferenceLWarSecAustralian Information Warfare & Security ConferenceLWAWISRWestern Australian Workshop on Information Systems ResearchLWICAustralasian Women in Computing WorkshopL

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