

prove, verify, bear out, demonstrate, confirm, validate, testify, certify 的区别

1. prove

prove “证明”,证明(某事属实), 普通用词,泛指有充分的、可靠的事实证明某一观点或结论是正确的。可用作及物动词,后接宾语或宾语从句。

Galileo proved the law of falling objects to the world from the leaning tower in Pizza. 伽利略在比萨斜塔证明物体落体定律。The data obtained clearly proves that the proposed method is far better than the traditional one. 获得的数据清楚地证明,提出的方法比传统的方法好的多。There wasn’t enough evidence to prove him guilty of the crime of which he was accused. 没有足够的证据能他犯了被指控的罪行。 2. verify

verify “证明”、“证实”、“核实”。多指通过实验、论证,查核证实某事的是对的,也可表示“查证”、“核实”某事的真实性。

Physical and chemical tests verify that the device has neither radioactive pollution nor toxic side effects. 物理和化学测试验证明该装置无放射性污染,对人体也无毒无副作用。We need more proofs to verify whether he is guilty of the crime. 我们需要有

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