

iPad 键盘不工作?15 个尝试修复

您在 iPad 上使用屏幕键盘时遇到问题吗?或者您的妙控键盘(Magic Keyboard)、智能键盘(Smart Keyboard)或外部第三方键盘无法与 iPadOS 配合使用?

本教程将帮助您解决 iPad 上的屏幕和外部键盘问题。下面的大多数故障排除提示也适用于 iPhone。

如何修复屏幕键盘(Fix Onscreen Keyboard)在 iPad 上不起作用

如果 iPad 的屏幕键盘无法显示、冻结或崩溃,请按照以下修复程序进行操作。跳过(Skip)任何不适用的。


如果您已将外部键盘与 iPad 配对,则屏幕键盘不会显示,除非您手动激活它。只需(Just)点击iPad 屏幕右上角的键盘图标,然后选择(Keyboard)显示键盘(Show Keyboard)即可调出屏幕键盘。 

如果您想切换为始终使用屏幕键盘,请关闭您的外接键盘(如果它有物理开(On)/关(Off)开关),通过控制中心(Control Center)禁用iPad 上的蓝牙(Bluetooth),或将键盘作为蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备移除到设置(Settings)>蓝牙(Bluetooth)。


如果您在 iPad 上安装了第三方屏幕键盘(例如Gboard、SwiftKey 或 Grammarly(Gboard, SwiftKey, or Grammarly)),除非您激活它,否则它不会显示在您的键盘列表中。 

为此,请转到“设置”(Settings) > “通用(General)” > “键盘(Keyboard)” > “键盘(Keyboards)” > “添加新键盘”(Add New Keyboard),然后选择“第三方键盘(Third-Party Keyboards)”部分下的键盘。接下来,在活动键盘列表中选择键盘,然后点击Allow Full Access。

然后,您可以在想要在活动键盘之间切换时点击并按住普通 iPad 键盘左下角的地球图标。(Globe)


iPad 的屏幕键盘是否无法仅显示在特定应用程序上?如果是这样,强制退出应用程序可以帮助解决任何与软件相关的小故障。 

为此,请从屏幕底部向上滑动(或双击主页(Home)按钮)以调用App Switcher。然后,将应用卡(例如Safari)向上拖出屏幕。然后通过主屏幕(Home Screen)、Dock或App Library重新启动应用程序。

重启或强制重启 iPad

重新启动 iPad 也可以修复出现故障的键盘。只需前往“设置”(Settings) > “通用(General)” > “关机(Shutdown)”即可关闭 iPad。然后,等待 30 秒并按住侧面(Side)按钮重新启动它。

如果尝试打开屏幕键盘也会导致 iPad 的操作系统死机,请尝试强制重启。

没有 Home 键的 iPad(iPads Without Home Button)

一个接一个地快速按下音量增大(Volume Up)和音量减小(Volume Down)键。然后,立即按住电源(Power)按钮,直到Apple标志出现在屏幕上。

带 Home 键的 iPad(iPads With Home Button)



如果屏幕键盘问题仍然存在,请尝试更新 iPad 上的应用程序。为此,请长按主屏幕上的(Home Screen)App Store图标并选择更新(Updates)。然后,点击全部更新(Update All)。

更新你的 iPad

错误(Buggy)的系统软件是阻止 iPad 屏幕键盘正常运行的另一个原因。要解决此问题,请转到“设置”(Settings) > “通用(General)” > “软件更新(Software Update)” ,应用任何待处理的 iOS 或 iPadOS更新。


查看 iPad 的屏幕键盘设置,并确保它们的设置符合您的偏好。例如,如果滑动到类型(Slide to Type)在浮动键盘上不起作用,最好检查相关设置是否处于活动状态。

为此,请打开“设置”(Settings)应用并转到“通用(General)” > “键盘(Keyboard)” 。您将在All Keyboards(All Keyboards)、Emoji和Language部分下找到键盘设置列表。对于第三方键盘,请查看相关应用程序以获取其他配置选项。


如果第三方屏幕键盘导致崩溃或其他问题,请尝试通过App Store对其进行更新。如果这没有帮助,请转到Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards。然后,向左滑动键盘并点击删除(Delete)以将其停用。

如果您想继续使用键盘,请等待更新以解决问题或联系其开发人员以加快速度。检查键盘的App Store页面以查找相关联系信息。

如何修复外部键盘(Fix External Keyboard)在 iPad 上不起作用

如果您的妙控键盘(Magic Keyboard)、智能键盘(Smart Keyboard)、智能键盘保护套(Smart Keyboard Folio)或第三方外接键盘无法连接到您的 iPad 或无法正常工作,请执行以下修复以解决问题。


您的妙控键盘(Magic Keyboard)、智能键盘(Smart Keyboard)或智能对开键盘(Smart Folio Keyboard)可能与您的 iPad、iPad Air或 iPad Pro型号不兼容。例如,第一代 12.9 英寸妙控键盘(Magic Keyboard)与 iPad Pro(2023)不兼容。

检查Apple 的 iPad 键盘页面(Apple’s iPad Keyboards page)或在线粗略检查兼容性相关信息。如果您使用第三方键盘,请改为查找制造商的网站。

此外,您的键盘可能需要最新版本的 iPadOS 才能正常工作。前往“设置”(Settings) > “通用(General)” > “软件更新”(Software Update ),将 iPad 更新到最新版本。


如果您使用妙控键盘(Magic Keyboard)、智能键盘(Smart Keyboard)或智能对开键盘(Smart Folio Keyboard),您的 iPad 依靠智能连接器(Smart Connector)(在侧面或背面显示为一组三个金属触点)进行连接。尝试用柔软的干布清洁它,看看是否有区别。


如果特定按键或功能无法在您的外接键盘上运行,请确保转到常规(General)>键盘(Keyboard)>硬件键盘(Hardware Keyboard )以查看和修改其工作方式。

例如,如果某个修饰键不起作用,请点击修饰键(Modifier Keys)以仔细检查您的键绑定。


如果外接键盘带有On / Off开关(例如Mac的妙控键盘(Magic Keyboard)),请重新启动键盘。这通常有助于解决阻止它连接到 iPad 的随机问题。


您的键盘可能只是耗尽了电池寿命。将其连接到电源(或将电池换成新的一对)并尝试再次将其连接到 iPad。


如果您使用蓝牙(Bluetooth)键盘,您可能能够通过断开连接并重新连接到 iPad 来解决由损坏的蓝牙缓存引起的问题。(Bluetooth)

为此,请打开设置(Settings)并点击蓝牙(Bluetooth)。然后,点击键盘旁边的信息图标并选择(Info)忘记此设备(Forget This Device)选项。再次将键盘与 iPad 配对。


恢复 iPad 设置

损坏(Corrupt)的网络设置是导致键盘和 iPad 之间出现连接问题的另一个原因。您可以尝试通过前往Settings > General > Transfer或重置(Reset)iPad ” > Reset”来重置它们,然后点击“重置网络设置”(Reset Network Settings)。

如果这没有帮助,请使用“重置所有设置”(Reset All Settings)选项将所有 iPad 设置恢复为出厂默认设置。但是,您可能需要在执行此操作之前创建 iTunes 或 iCloud 备份。(create an iTunes or iCloud backup)

如果您继续遇到问题,则问题可能出在键盘本身。尝试联系 Apple 支持(contacting Apple Support)或将妙控键盘(Magic Keyboard)或智能键盘(Smart Keyboard)带到最近的 Apple Store(nearest Apple Store)。如果第三方外接键盘出现问题,请联系制造商进行更换。

iPad Keyboard Not Working? 15 Fixes to Try

Do yoυ have trouble using the onscreen keyboard on your iPad? Or does yoυr Magic Kеyboard, Smart Keyboard, or external third-party keyboard fail to work with iPadOS?

This tutorial will help you fix on-screen and external keyboard issues on iPad. Most of the troubleshooting tips below also apply to the iPhone.

How to Fix Onscreen Keyboard Not Working on iPad

If the onscreen keyboard for your iPad fails to show up, freezes, or crashes, work your way through the fixes that follow. Skip any that don’t apply.

Disable External Keyboard

If you’ve paired an external keyboard with your iPad, the onscreen keyboard won’t show up unless you manually activate it. Just tap the Keyboard icon on the right corner of the iPad’s screen and select Show Keyboard to bring up the onscreen keyboard. 

If you want to switch to using the onscreen keyboard always, turn off your external keyboard (if it has a physical On/Off switch), disable Bluetooth on your iPad via the Control Center, or remove the keyboard as a Bluetooth device by heading over to Settings > Bluetooth.

Activate Third-Party Keyboard

If you install a third-party onscreen keyboard (such as Gboard, SwiftKey, or Grammarly) on your iPad, it won’t show up on your list of keyboards unless you activate it. 

To do that, go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards > Add New Keyboard and select the keyboard under the Third-Party Keyboards section. Next, select the keyboard on the list of active keyboards and tap Allow Full Access.

You can then tap and hold the Globe icon at the lower-left corner of the stock iPad keyboard whenever you want to switch between active keyboards.

Force-Quit App & Retry

Does the iPad’s onscreen keyboard fail to show up on a specific app only? If so, force-quitting the app can help resolve any minor software-related glitches. 

To do that, swipe up from the bottom of the screen (or double-click the Home button) to invoke the App Switcher. Then, drag the app card (e.g., Safari) up and out of the screen. Follow that by relaunching the app via the Home Screen, Dock, or App Library.

Restart or Force-Restart iPad

Restarting your iPad can also fix a glitchy keyboard. Just go to Settings > General > Shutdown to turn off your iPad. Then, wait for 30 seconds and hold down the Side button to reboot it.

If attempting to open the onscreen keyboard also causes the iPad’s operating system to freeze, try a force restart instead.

iPads Without Home Button

Press the Volume Up and Volume Down keys quickly one after the other. Then, immediately press and hold the Power button until the Apple logo shows up on the screen.

iPads With Home Button

Press and hold both the Home and Power buttons at the same time until the screen displays the Apple logo.

Update Apps

If onscreen keyboard issues persist, try updating the apps on your iPad. To do that, long-press the App Store icon on the Home Screen and select Updates. Then, tap Update All.

Update Your iPad

Buggy system software is another reason that prevents the iPad’s onscreen keyboard from functioning normally. To fix that, apply any pending iOS or iPadOS updates by heading over to Settings > General > Software Update.

Check Keyboard Settings

Review your iPad’s onscreen keyboard settings and make sure they’re set up to suit your preferences. For example, if Slide to Type doesn’t work on the floating keyboard, it’s a good idea to check if the relevant setting is active.

To do that, open the Settings app and go to General > Keyboard. You’ll find a list of keyboard settings under the All Keyboards, Emoji, and Language sections. For third-party keyboards, check the relevant apps for additional configuration options.

Remove Third-Party Keyboards

If a third-party onscreen keyboard results in crashes or other issues, try updating it via the App Store. If that doesn’t help, head over to Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards. Then, swipe the keyboard to the left and tap Delete to deactivate it.

If you want to keep using the keyboard, wait for a newer update to fix the issue or contact its developer to speed things up. Check the keyboard’s App Store page to find relevant contact information.

How to Fix External Keyboard Not Working on iPad

If your Magic Keyboard, Smart Keyboard, Smart Keyboard Folio, or third-party external keyboard fails to connect to your iPad or won’t work correctly, go through the fixes below to resolve the issue.

Check for Compatibility

Your Magic Keyboard, Smart Keyboard, or Smart Folio Keyboard may not be compatible with your iPad, iPad Air, or iPad Pro model. For example, the first-generation 12.9-inch Magic Keyboard is not compatible with the iPad Pro (2023).

Check Apple’s iPad Keyboards page or perform a cursory check online for compatibility-related information. If you use a third-party keyboard, look up the manufacturer’s website instead.

Additionally,  your keyboard may require the latest version of iPadOS to work correctly. Go to Settings > General > Software Update to update your iPad to its latest version.

Clean the Smart Connector

If you use the Magic Keyboard, Smart Keyboard, or Smart Folio Keyboard, your iPad relies on the Smart Connector (which appears as a set of three metal contacts on the side or back) for connectivity. Try cleaning it with a soft dry cloth and check if that makes a difference.

Check Keyboard Settings

If specific keys or functions fail to work on your external keyboard, make sure to go to General > Keyboard > Hardware Keyboard to review and modify the way it works.

For example, if a certain modifier key doesn’t work, tap Modifier Keys to double-check your key bindings.

Turn Keyboard Off & On

If the external keyboard sports an On/Off switch (such as the Magic Keyboard for Mac), restart the keyboard. That often helps fix random issues preventing it from connecting to your iPad.

Recharge Keyboard

Your keyboard may have simply run out of battery life. Connect it to a power source (or swap out the batteries for a new pair) and try connecting it to your iPad again.

Disconnect and Reconnect Keyboard

If you use a Bluetooth keyboard, you might be able to resolve issues caused by a corrupt Bluetooth cache by disconnecting and reconnecting it to your iPad. 

To do that, open Settings and tap Bluetooth. Then, tap the Info icon next to the keyboard and select Forget This Device option. Follow that by pairing the keyboard with your iPad again.

Note: If you use multiple keyboards, it’s a good idea to unpair any other keyboards except for the one you’re currently using.

Restore iPad Settings

Corrupt network settings are another reason that causes connectivity issues between your keyboard and iPad. You can attempt to reset them by heading over to Settings > General > Transfer or Reset iPad > Reset and tap Reset Network Settings.

If that doesn’t help, use the Reset All Settings option to restore all iPad settings to factory defaults. However, you may want to create an iTunes or iCloud backup before you do that.

If you continue to experience issues, the problem is likely with the keyboard itself. Try contacting Apple Support or take your Magic Keyboard or Smart Keyboard to your nearest Apple Store. If the issue occurs with a third-party external keyboard, contact the manufacturer for a replacement.

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