

Visit Dinan

Discover Dinan

Step into the atmosphere of the Middle Ages on the steep Rue du Jerzual. The half-timbered houses and houses with pointed gables are a reminder of the town’s wealthy past. From the 14th to 18th centuries, it was busy with weavers and tanners. Today, it’s an essential part of any visit to Dinan. You’ll love strolling around and dreaming in front of the workshop-boutiques of glass-blowers or wood gilders.

A mix of genres

The visit continues with Place des Cordeliers and Place des Merciers. There is a mix of styles here. The half-timbered houses typical of Dinan in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries sit side-by-side. Not far away, Saint-Sauveur basilica, built in the 12th century, blends Byzantine, Persian and Romanesque influences. What is so particular about it? This asymmetrical building was never finished.

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