

Synonym for Happy

What’s a synonym for happy? Finding similar words for the term might seem challenging – but with a practical resource, you’re good to go! A synonym for this word will come in handy when you need another word to describe a feeling or sense of bliss or ecstasy.

This guide is a complete resource that provides the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and sentence examples of the word ‘happy.’

The Definition of Happy

The English word ‘happy’ is from Middle English happy (“fortunate”), equivalent to hap (“chance, luck, fortune”) +‎ -y.

Happy is an adjective that can be defined in a variety of ways. A standard definition for the word is a feeling arising from a consciousness of enjoyment, a feeling of peace, comfort, bliss, or contentment.

To be happy is to be pleased or glad over a particular thing. A happy mood is characterized by contentment, satisfaction, or joy. The term is also commonly used as part of an expression of good wishes on a special occasion.

Sentence ExamplesI’m happy to know you’re fine.Happy birthday!Happy to meet you at last!Are you happy with your job?I’m so happy for my parents; they finally get a reward for their hard work.Oh wow, you got the scholarship, I’m happy for you!Synonym for Happy — Exploring Words with Similar Meanings

A common synonym for happy is ‘delighted.’ Others are content, cheerful, merry, joyful, jovial, gleeful, fortunate, carefree, and untroubled.

1. Delighted

Delighted is from the Middle English word ‘delite,’ from Old French ‘deleiter, deliter,’ and Latin ‘delectare’ (“to delight, please”). To be delighted is to be incredibly pleased.

I am delightedto see you.Everyone was delighted by the show.2. Content

The word is from Middle English contenten (“to satisfy”), from Latin contentus (“contained; satisfied”), past participle of continēre (“to contain”). To be content means to be satisfied and pleased.

Every man should try to be content.I admire my friend; she’s always contentwith very little.3. Cheerful

Cheerful is from the Middle English word ‘chereful, cherful,’ equivalent to cheer +‎ -ful. To be cheerful means to be happy and optimistic, bright and pleasant.

Mary is a cheerful fellow.In spite of her illness, Michelle remained cheerful.4. Merry

The word is from Middle English ‘mery, merie,’ from Old English meriġe, miriġe (“pleasing, agreeable; pleasant, sweet, delightful; melodious”), and from Proto-Germanic *murguz (“short, slow”). To be merry is to be full of high spirits.

My father led a merry life before he passed.Let’s merry and party!5. Joyful

Joyful isfrom joy + ful. The word ‘joy’ is from Old French ‘joie’ “pleasure, delight, bliss” from Latin gaudia “expressions of pleasure; sensual delight.” -ful is a word-forming element attached to nouns. It means “full of, having, characterized by.” Joyful means to be full of joy.

I’ve never seen a more joyful person than Rachael.In all circumstances, be joyful!Antonyms for Happy — Exploring Words with Opposite Meanings1. Sad

The word is from Middle English ‘sad,’ from Old English ‘sæd’ (“sated, full”), from Proto Germanic ‘sadaz.’ Sad is a state of being sorrowful or mournful.

It’s sad that Jerry had to end up this way.What’s that sad look on your face?2. Depressed

Depressed is from depress + ed. Depress came from Old French depresser, late Latin depressare, frequentative of deprimere‘ press down.’ To be depressed is to be unhappy and despondent.

Sarah became depressedafter failing her final exams.Natasha felt lonely and depressedwhen her family traveled.3. Miserable

The word ‘miserable’ was borrowed from the Middle French word ‘miserable,’ from Old French, and Latin ‘miserabilis.’ To be miserable is to be in a state of misery; to feel hopeless.

John has become a lonely, miserablewretch.Hunger can make one feel miserable.Photo by Yuyeung Lau on UnsplashTo Wrap Up

Understanding the definition, synonyms, and antonyms of the term “happy” is key to establishing a deeper understanding. Happy generally describes an emotional condition involving joy, satisfaction, or delight. Synonyms for the word happy include delighted, content, and joy. The word also has many antonyms, some of which are sad, depressed, and miserable.

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