



fixv.(动词)fixed,fix.ing,fix.es v.tr.(及物动词)To place securely; make stable or firm:使固定,使牢固:稳固地放置;使稳定或固定:例句:fixed the tent poles in the ground.See Synonyms at fasten 把帐篷的柱子固定在地上参见 fastenTo secure to another; attach:钉牢,安装:和另一物接稳;系紧:例句:fixing the notice to the board with tacks.用钉子把布告钉到木板上To put into a stable or unalterable form:定型,使深植:进入一种稳定或无法改变的形式:例句:tried to fix the conversation in her memory.把这次对话留在她的记忆中To make (a chemical substance) nonvolatile or solid.使不挥发,使凝固:使(某种化学物质)不挥发或凝固Biology To convert (nitrogen) into stable, biologically assimilable compounds.【生物学】 固氮:把(氮)转变成稳定的、能被生物吸收的化合物To kill and preserve (a specimen) intact for microscopic study.标本固定:弄死并保存(标本)完整以备显微镜观察To prevent discoloration of (a photographic image) by washing or coating with a chemical preservative.固色,定影:用化学防腐剂冲洗或覆以一层防腐物以防(照片)褪色To direct steadily:使集中,固定:稳定地指向:例句:fixed her eyes on the road ahead.她盯着前面的路To capture or hold:吸引,抓住:例句:The man with the long beard fixed our attention.那个长长胡须的人吸引了我们的注意力To set or place definitely; establish:设立或安顿;使定居:例句:fixed her residence in a coastal village.她将住所安顿于一海滨村庄To determine with accuracy; ascertain:确定,决定:明确地决定;弄清:例句:fixed the date of the ancient artifacts.确定这件古代文化遗物的时间To agree on; arrange:同意;安排:例句:fix a time to meet.安排会面的时间To assign; attribute:指出;把…归因于:例句:fixing the blame.提出批评To correct or set right; adjust:改正;调整:例句:fix a misspelling; fix the out-of-date accounts.改正拼写错误;修改过时的记述To restore to proper condition or working order; repair:修理,校准:修复到正常状态或工作程序;修理:例句:fix a broken machine.修理一台坏机器Computer Science To convert (data) from floating-point notation to fixed-point notation.【计算机科学】 固定,定点化:(把数据)由浮点数表示法改成定点表示法To make ready; prepare:作好准备;准备:例句:fixed the room for the guests; fix lunch for the kids; fixed himself a milkshake.为客人们准备好房间;为孩子们准备午饭;他给自己准备了一份奶昔To spay or castrate (an animal).割除(动物的)卵巢,阉割Informal To take revenge upon; get even with.【非正式用语】 向…报仇;与…扯平To influence the outcome or actions of by improper or unlawful means:操纵,贿赂:用不正当或违法的手段来影响结果或行为:例句:fix a prizefight; fix a jury.操纵一次职业拳击赛;买通陪审团v.intr.(不及物动词)To direct one`s efforts or attention; concentrate:集中,专心:吸引某人的努力或注意;专心:例句:We fixed on the immediate goal.我们专心于眼前的目标To become stable or firm; harden:稳定,固定:变得牢固或坚固;变硬:例句:Fresh plaster will fix in a few hours.新抹的泥灰在几个小时内能干Chiefly Southern U.S. To be on the verge of; to be making preparations for. Used in progressive tenses with the infinitive:【多用于美国南部】 报复,准备:向…报仇;为…作准备。用在带动词不定式的进行时态中:例句:We were fixing to leave without you.我们正准备不等你就走了n.(名词)The act of adjusting, correcting, or repairing.调整,改正:调整、改正或修理的行为Informal Something that repairs or restores; a solution:【非正式用语】 解决,修复:用于修理或修复的东西;解决:例句:no easy fix for an intractable problem.没有简单的办法解决难题The position, as of a ship or aircraft, determined by visual observations with the aid of equipment.方位,定位:借助仪器通过观测而确定的船或飞机等的位置A clear determination or understanding:定论:明确的决定或理解:例句:a briefing that gave us a fix on the current situation.让我们对目前形势有一个明确看法的简报An instance of arranging a special consideration, such as an exemption from a requirement, or an improper or illegal outcome, especially by means of bribery.贿赂,串通:安排特殊报酬的实例,尤指通过贿赂手段免除某种要求或不正当的、非法的结果A difficult or embarrassing situation; a predicament.See Synonyms at predicament 困境,窘境:很困难的或发窘的局面;难题参见 predicamentSlang An intravenous injection of a narcotic.【俚语】 麻醉注射:静脉内的麻醉剂注射fix upTo improve the appearance or condition of; refurbish.修理好,修补:改善…的状况或条件;刷新To provide; equip.供应;装备Informal To provide a companion on a date for:【非正式用语】 给…安排同伴:约异性朋友出去玩时给…找一个同伴:例句:fixed me up with an escort at the last minute.最后给我找了个同伴常用词组>来源:Middle English fixen 中古英语 fixen from fix [fixed in position] 源自 fix [在位置上固定] from Latin foxus [past participle of] fogere [to fasten] * see dhog w- 源自 拉丁语 foxus [] fogere的过去分词 [系紧,拴牢] *参见 dhog w- 【引伸】fix.ableadj.(形容词)fix.ern.(名词)Fixing to ranks with y`all as one of the best known markers of Southern dialects, although it seems to be making its way into the informal speech and writing of non-Southerners. Fixing to means .to be on the verge of or in preparation for (doing a given thing),. but like the modal auxiliaries, it has only a single invariant form and is not fully inflected like other verbs. Its form is always the present participle followed by the infinitive marker to : They were fixing to leave without me. Semantically, fixing to can refer only to events that immediately follow the speaker`s point of reference. One cannot say, .We`re fixing to have a baby in a couple of years.. Fixing to 与 y`all 齐名,都是南方方言的典型代表,但它开始也在非南方人不正式的讲话和写作中运用。 Fixing to 意指.向…报仇或准备好(做交给的事情).,但它与情态动词一样,只有一种变形形式,不象其它动词那样有完整的一套词尾变形。它常用带动词不定式的符号 to 加现在分词的形式: 他们正准备不等我就离开。 从语义上来看, fixing to 仅用于紧跟在说话者观点后的事情。不能说,.我们准备在近几年内要个孩子. 注释>

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