

Difference between Star topology and Bus topology

In computer networking there are various types of network topologies available, but two most frequently used network topologies are the Star topology and the Bus topology. Both being popular technologies, they have got distinguishing features in their arrangement, operation and utilization. In this article we will see star and bus topologies differences, advantages,and disadvantages in detail.

What is Star Topology?

Star topology is used for Local Area networks in which all nodes are connected to a central point called Hub, which connects them to the communication channel. The connections are in such a manner that n number of wires are required to connect n number of end devices or nodes. Traffic is generated from the central hub of the star. The central hub controls communication between all the nodes, message sent by one node reaches the hub first, and then it is transmitted to the receiver node through the hub. 

Advantages of Star TopologyCentralized Management: The main node of the network is designed to optimize the process of working with a network and diagnostics of network activity and troubleshooting.Scalability: Any change of adding or removing device in star topology is easy and does not influence the other parts of the network, therefore is highly scalable.Isolation of Devices: If one device or its connection fails, the other devices and their connections are not affected hence minimizing on cases of network breakdown.High Performance: As the data packets pass through a central hub which can be designed for performance the network can achieve better speeds and results.Disadvantages of Star TopologySingle Point of Failure: This comes with a disadvantage in that the central hub is a single point that if compromised the entire network goes off.Higher Cost: Due to the requirement for a center and more cabling it becomes more expensive to implement as compared to other topologies.Limited Distance: Due to the physical distance that the multiple nodes are placed at from the hub, this help to restrict the size of the network.What is Bus Topology?

Bus topology is a type of network topology in which all the devices are connected to a single cable which is called the backbone of the network. It consists of a terminator at each end of the cable. The network cable is responsible for the communication between the devices and when the data reaches the end of the cable it is removed by the terminator from the data line. It is the easiest network topology when the devices are to be connected linearly. 

Advantages of Bus TopologyCost-Effective: Bus topology involves less cable and this makes it cheaper to implement as compared to star topology mostly when implementing a small network.Simple Installation: Hence bus topology is easy to install and extend due to its linear connection pattern of the buses.Reduced Cabling: Another advantage of bus topology is that it only requires one main cable to connect all the devices, unlike the star topology that makes it ideal for those places or organization.Disadvantages of Bus TopologyLimited Scalability: Increasing the number of devices in the bus also degrades the performance of the network due to the increased collision and signal altered status.Difficult Troubleshooting: Working with a bus topology has its challenges and it becomes difficult to pin-point and fix problems since most of the time the central cable is affected.Single Point of Failure: Central bus cable is used and it means if central bus cable gets damaged then the whole network is spoiled like star topology- central hub.Performance Issues: As the number of devices continues to add up, the probabilities of data collision also rise, making the performance of the network to drop.Similarities  between Star Topology and Bus TopologyNetwork Devices: Both Star topology and Bus topology can accommodate various network devices such as computers, printers, routers, switches, or any other network-enabled devices.Communication: Both network topologies provide a communication medium that enables devices to communicate with each other.Data Transmission: Both network topologies transmit data between network-enabled devices, although they use different methods of data transmission.Network Maintenance: In both network topologies, network maintenance is required to ensure that the network is operating optimally.Network Performance: In both network topologies, network performance can be impacted by factors such as network congestion, network security, and network speed.Network Security: Both network topologies can implement security measures to protect the network and the data transmitted over it.Network Standards: Both network topologies conform to established network standards, such as Ethernet or Wi-Fi.Differences between Star Topology and Bus TopologyStar TopologyBus TopologyStar topology is a topology in which all devices are connected to a central hub.Bus topology is a topology where each device is connected to a single cable which is known as the backbone.In star topology, if the central hub fails then the whole network fails.In a Bus topology, the failure of the network cable will cause the whole network to fail.In star topology, there is a non-linear arrangement of nodes in a network.In a bus topology, there is a linear arrangement of nodes in a network.Management of high traffic and performance of the network is highly dependent on the capacity of the central hub.Bus topology can not effectively manage a terminator’s high amount of traffic as if there is high traffic then the performance of the network is affected.Star topology does not have any terminator.Bus topology has a terminators at both ends of the network.Star topology has a high implementation cost because of the central hub and extra wires required for connection.Bus topology is less expensive than a star topology.Data transmission is faster in a star topology.In a Bus topology, the data is transmitted slower as compared to a star topology.In star topology the communication between nodes is done through a central hub, a message from the sender node reaches the central hub first then it is transmitted to the receiver node.In a Bus topology, the data from a sender device to a receiver device is sent directly.Expansion is easier.Expansion of network i.e. addition of new node is difficult.Fault identification and isolation are relatively easier.Fault identification and isolation are not easier.Chances of data collision are less,Data collisions occur frequentlyThe signal transmission is not unidirectional.The signal transmission is  unidirectional.Less chances of data collision in star topology.High chances of data collision in bus topology.


Star topology is frequently used in high-speed LANs.Homes and workplaces frequently employ star topologies.


Ethernet networks The bus topology can be used for the further incorporate I/O devices like printers, scanners or others in a network at home/workplace.Conclusion

Both Star and Bus Topology networks have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them depends on the specific networking requirements. A Star Topology network is scalable and reliable but can be expensive, while a Bus Topology network is inexpensive but can be difficult to maintain and troubleshoot. Understanding the differences between the two network topologies can help in choosing the right one for a specific networking requirement.

Frequently Asked Questions on Star topology and Bus topology – FAQ’sWhich topology is better for large networks, Star or Bus?

As with the bus structure, star topology is usually more appropriate for large networks given the scale of possibilities and manageability. As can be seen, bus topology can experience reduced performance with increased devices connected to the network.

Can Star topology work without a central hub?

No, Star topology, involves, a central hub or switch that is responsible for connecting all the devices. Indeed, without it, the network is non-existent.

Why is Bus topology less popular today?

Bus topology is today not very common due to it sensitivity to network breakdowns and poor performance especially in large networks. Today the choice is made in favor of topologies, such as Star or Mesh because they are more reliable and can be scaled.

Is it possible to combine Star and Bus topologies?

Indeed, there are occasions when a company or organization can adopt features of both the Star and the Bus topologies, such as a central processor with a linear bus connected to different portions of the network.

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