

Daily Status Report Template

Add comments or questions that may aid in conveying what you are doing to your intended audience“What’s to Come” Status Report

Other status reports can be automatically generated using project management tools.

This daily status report template updates in real-time, and is programmed to show 3 “groups” of items.

Overdue items, items that are due within the next 24 hours, and items that are coming up within the next 7 days.

Although this is a daily report, by showing upcoming items within the next 7 days, it helps teams and individuals stay better prepared for what’s to come.

Daily Changes Report Template

This report includes specific changes that have been made to tasks within the past 24 hours.

If someone were to miss a day of work, they could scroll through this list to see any changes relevant to them during that time.

While a report like this takes more time to work through, it provides a more thorough overview than other reports in this list.

As a general rule, updates included are:

Any NEW tasks that must be completedComments/file attachments and due dates set on tasksTasks that have been checked off as finishedTasks that have been deleted

Each update includes WHO updated that task as well, which is great for managers who need to increase team accountability.

Completed Items Only

This is the most simple daily status report template.

The idea here is to include ONLY items that have been completed within the past 24 hours or working day.

These types of reports work great for teams who work independently of one another, but aim for accountability in their organizations.

Here is an example of how this might look – again, the work finished is listed alongside of who completed that work.

Daily Status Report Template Components

Regardless of which Daily Status Report Template you choose to use, all daily status reports should aim to include the SAME information.

This makes it so that your team/management knows what to expect, and can quickly identify if something has gone wrong, or if something may go wrong in the future.

Learn more about status reports in Priority Matrix:

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