

R语言 列表

R语言 列表


列表是一个向量,但有异质的数据元素。R中的列表是通过使用 list() 函数来创建的。R允许通过使用索引值来访问列表中的元素。在 R 中,列表的索引从 1 开始,而不是像其他编程语言那样从 0 开始。


要在R中创建一个列表,你需要使用名为 “list() “的函数。换句话说,一个列表是一个包含其他对象的通用向量。为了说明列表的样子,我们在这里举一个例子。我们想建立一个带有细节的雇员列表。因此,我们希望得到诸如ID、雇员姓名和雇员人数等属性。


# R program to create a List  # The first attributes is a numeric vector# containing the employee IDs which is created# using the command hereempId = c(1, 2, 3, 4)  # The second attribute is the employee name# which is created using this line of code here# which is the character vectorempName = c("Debi", "Sandeep", "Subham", "Shiba")  # The third attribute is the number of employees# which is a single numeric variable.numberOfEmp = 4  # We can combine all these three different# data types into a list# containing the details of employees# which can be done using a list commandempList = list(empId, empName, numberOfEmp)  print(empList)


[[1]][1] 1 2 3 4[[2]][1] "Debi" "Sandeep" "Subham" "Shiba" [[3]][1] 4访问列表中的组件


通过名字访问组件: 一个列表中的所有组件都可以被命名,我们可以用这些名字来访问列表中的组件,使用 dollar 命令。


# R program to access# components of a list # Creating a list by naming all its componentsempId = c(1, 2, 3, 4)empName = c("Debi", "Sandeep", "Subham", "Shiba")numberOfEmp = 4empList = list(  "ID" = empId,  "Names" = empName,  "Total Staff" = numberOfEmp  )print(empList) # Accessing components by namescat("Accessing name components using command ")print(empListNames)


$ID[1] 1 2 3 4$Names[1] "Debi" "Sandeep" "Subham" "Shiba" $`Total Staff`[1] 4Accessing name components using $ command[1] "Debi" "Sandeep" "Subham" "Shiba" 通过索引访问组件: 我们也可以使用索引来访问列表的组件。要访问列表的顶层组件,我们必须使用双切分运算符”[ []]” ,也就是两个方括号,如果我们想访问列表的低层或内层组件,我们必须使用另一个方括号 “[]” 和双切分运算符”[[ ] “。


# R program to access# components of a list # Creating a list by naming all its componentsempId = c(1, 2, 3, 4)empName = c("Debi", "Sandeep", "Subham", "Shiba")numberOfEmp = 4empList = list(  "ID" = empId,  "Names" = empName,  "Total Staff" = numberOfEmp  )print(empList) # Accessing a top level components by indicescat("Accessing name components using indices ")print(empList[[2]]) # Accessing a inner level components by indicescat("Accessing Sandeep from name using indices ")print(empList[[2]][2]) # Accessing another inner level components by indicescat("Accessing 4 from ID using indices ")print(empList[[1]][4])


$ID[1] 1 2 3 4$Names[1] "Debi" "Sandeep" "Subham" "Shiba" $`Total Staff`[1] 4Accessing name components using indices[1] "Debi" "Sandeep" "Subham" "Shiba" Accessing Sandeep from name using indices[1] "Sandeep"Accessing 4 from ID using indices[1] 4修改列表中的组件



# R program to edit# components of a list # Creating a list by naming all its componentsempId = c(1, 2, 3, 4)empName = c("Debi", "Sandeep", "Subham", "Shiba")numberOfEmp = 4empList = list(  "ID" = empId,  "Names" = empName,  "Total Staff" = numberOfEmp)cat("Before modifying the list ")print(empList) # Modifying the top-level componentempList$`Total Staff` = 5 # Modifying inner level componentempList[[1]][5] = 5empList[[2]][5] = "Kamala" cat("After modified the list ")print(empList)


Before modifying the listID[1] 1 2 3 4Names[1] "Debi" "Sandeep" "Subham" "Shiba" `Total Staff`[1] 4After modified the listID[1] 1 2 3 4 5Names[1] "Debi" "Sandeep" "Subham" "Shiba" "Kamala"`Total Staff`[1] 5列表的连接



list = c(list, list1)

list = 原始列表

list1 = 新列表


# R program to edit# components of a list # Creating a list by naming all its componentsempId = c(1, 2, 3, 4)empName = c("Debi", "Sandeep", "Subham", "Shiba")numberOfEmp = 4empList = list(  "ID" = empId,  "Names" = empName,  "Total Staff" = numberOfEmp)cat("Before concatenation of the new list ")print(empList) # Creating another listempAge = c(34, 23, 18, 45)empAgeList = list(  "Age" = empAge) # Concatenation of list using concatenation operatorempList = c(empList, empAgeList) cat("After concatenation of the new list ")print(empList)


Before concatenation of the new listID[1] 1 2 3 4Names[1] "Debi" "Sandeep" "Subham" "Shiba" `Total Staff`[1] 4After concatenation of the new listID[1] 1 2 3 4Names[1] "Debi" "Sandeep" "Subham" "Shiba"`Total Staff`[1] 4$Age[1] 34 23 18 45删除列表中的组件



# R program to access# components of a list # Creating a list by naming all its componentsempId = c(1, 2, 3, 4)empName = c("Debi", "Sandeep", "Subham", "Shiba")numberOfEmp = 4empList = list(  "ID" = empId,  "Names" = empName,  "Total Staff" = numberOfEmp)cat("Before deletion the list is ")print(empList) # Deleting a top level componentscat("After Deleting Total staff components ")print(empList[-3]) # Deleting a inner level componentscat("After Deleting sandeep from name ")print(empList[[2]][-2])


Before deletion the list isID[1] 1 2 3 4Names[1] "Debi" "Sandeep" "Subham" "Shiba" `Total Staff`[1] 4After Deleting Total staff componentsID[1] 1 2 3 4$Names[1] "Debi" "Sandeep" "Subham" "Shiba" After Deleting sandeep from name[1] "Debi" "Subham" "Shiba" 合并列表


# Create two lists.lst1

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