



USB全功能TYPE-C线缆接线图 2023-04-08 5763 13

This table that coaxial wire construction is used for all SDP’sand there are no drain wires. The shields of the coaxial wires are connected to the ground pins . Ifshielded twisted pair is used, then drain wires are needed and shall be connected to the GND pins.Pin B5 (VCONN) of the USB Type-C plug shall be used in electronically marked versions of this cable.Contacts B6 and B7 should not be present in the USB Type-C plug.All VBUS pins shall be connected together within the USB Type-C plug. A 10 nF bypass capacitor(minimum recommended voltage rating of 30 V, 63 V if EPR-capable) is required for the VBUS pin inthe full-featured cable at each end of the cable. The bypass capacitor should be placed as close aspossible to the power supply pad.All GND pins shall be connected together within the USB Type -C plugShield and GND shall be connected within the USB Type-C plug on both ends of the cable assembly.


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