

Verbs Of Perception

Verbs of perception are used frequently in everyday English conversations. Learning verbs of perception can help English language learners to express themselves in a more accurate and nuanced way, as these verbs enable them to communicate how they experience the world around them via their senses. In this post, you’ll find an extensive list of verbs of perception, together with definitions and example sentences to help you or your learners master these important verbs. First, let’s take a look at exactly what verbs of perception are.

What Are Verbs Of Perception?

Verbs of perception, also known as perception verbs or perceptual verbs, are verbs used to convey what we experience via our senses. When we see, hear, touch, taste, or smell something, we can use verbs of perception to communicate this experience. Some common verbs of perception are see, hear, smell, taste, and feel.

Verbs Of Perception List

Here’s a useful list of verbs of perception in English:

seewatchobserveviewgaze atlook atstare atglimpsecatch a glimpse ofspotcatch sight ofperceivediscernmake outdistinguishrecognizeidentifyknowapprehendunderstandcomprehendgraspgetpick up onsensefeelhearlisten tooverheareavesdrop ontune in tosmellsniffinhaletastesavorsampletryDownload PDF ListDownload PDF ListVerbs Of Perception: Definitions And Example SentencesSee

Definition: to perceive with the eyes; to observe or notice

Example Sentence: “I saw a beautiful sunset on my walk home from work.”


Definition: to look at or observe attentively or carefully over a period of time

Example Sentence: “I like to watch the sunset.“


Definition: to watch or take notice of; to pay attention to

Example Sentence: “The scientist carefully observed the behavior of the mice.“


Definition: to look at or watch; to observe or consider

Example Sentence: “I viewed the paintings at the art museum for hours”

Gaze at

Definition: to look at steadily and intently, often with fascination or admiration

Example Sentence: “I gazed at the Mona Lisa in awe.“

Look at

Definition: to direct one’s gaze towards; to see or examine with the eyes

Example Sentence: “Can you look at this picture and tell me what you see?“

Stare at

Definition: to look at intensely or fixedly, often with surprise or disbelief

Example Sentence: “He stared at the screen for hours, mesmerized by the game.“


Definition: to catch a brief or partial view of something

Example Sentence: “I caught a glimpse of a deer in the forest.“

Catch a glimpse of

Definition: to see or notice something briefly or partially

Example Sentence: “She caught a glimpse of the sea through the trees.“


Definition: to see or notice something, especially something unusual or unexpected

Example Sentence: “I spotted a rare bird in the park.“

Catch Sight Of

Definition: to see or notice something, especially something that is moving or difficult to see

Example Sentence: “I caught sight of a shooting star in the sky.“


Definition: to become aware of or notice through the senses

Example Sentence: “I perceived a strange smell coming from the kitchen.”


Definition: to perceive or recognize something, especially something that is not obvious

Example Sentence: “He was able to discern the notes of the song even though it was playing quietly.“

Make out

Definition: to see, hear, or understand something with difficulty

Example Sentence: “I couldn’t make out the words on the sign from this distance.“


Definition: to recognize or differentiate between two or more things

Example Sentence: “She was able to distinguish the different shades of green in the field.“


Definition: to identify or be able to name someone or something that one has seen or met before

Example Sentence: “I recognized my friend from a distance.“


Definition: to recognize or establish the identity of someone or something

Example Sentence: “The detective was able to identify the suspect by their distinctive tattoo.“


Definition: to be aware of or familiar with something

Example Sentence: “I know that voice!“


Definition: to understand or become aware of something, especially something difficult or complex

Example Sentence: “She was able to apprehend the complicated equation.”


Definition: to perceive the meaning of; to grasp the significance or importance of

Example Sentence: “I understand what you’re trying to say, but I don’t agree with it.“


Definition: to grasp the meaning, significance, or importance of; to understand fully

Example Sentence: “The math problem was difficult to comprehend at first.”


Definition: to comprehend or understand fully

Example Sentence: “He grasped the concept quickly.“


Definition: to understand or grasp the meaning or significance of

Example Sentence: “I’m sorry, I don’t get what you’re trying to say.“

Pick up on

Definition: to become aware of or notice something, especially something subtle or implicit

Example Sentence: “She was able to pick up on the subtle changes in his tone of voice.“


Definition: to perceive or become aware of something through the senses, especially something intangible or subtle

Example Sentence: “I sensed that something was wrong.“


Definition: to perceive or become aware of something through the sense of touch

Example Sentence: “She felt a sense of accomplishment after finishing the marathon.“


Definition: to perceive or become aware of sound through the ears

Example Sentence: “I heard a strange noise coming from the basement.“

Listen to

Definition: to pay attention to sound or music

Example Sentence: “I love to listen to music while I work.“


Definition: to hear a conversation or other sounds by chance, especially without the speakers being aware

Example Sentence: “I overheard a conversation between two coworkers.“

Eavesdrop on

Definition: to secretly listen to a conversation or other sounds, especially without the speakers being aware

Example Sentence: “”She was able to eavesdrop on the conversation“

Tune in to

Definition: to focus one’s sense to hear something clearly

Example Sentence: “I tuned in to the conversation to hear what they were saying”


Definition: to perceive or become aware of a smell or odour through the nose

Example Sentence: “I smelled something burning and immediately turned off the stove.“


Definition: to inhale through the nose, often to detect a smell

Example Sentence: “She sniffed the flowers to enjoy their scent.“


Definition: to draw in (air or a gas) through the nose or mouth

Example Sentence: “I inhaled the fresh mountain air deeply.“


Definition: to perceive or become aware of the flavour of (something) through the sense of taste

Example Sentence: “The pie tasted delicious.“


Definition: to enjoy or appreciate the flavour or qualities of (something)

Example Sentence: “I like to savor my food and eat it slowly.“


Definition: to try a small amount of (something) in order to determine its quality or flavour

Example Sentence: “I sampled a bit of each dish at the buffet.”


Definition: to taste or sample (something) in order to determine its quality or flavour

Example Sentence: “I tried the steak, and it was fantastic!”

Related Resources

Thanks for reading. I hope you have a better understanding of perception verbs and you found these verbs of perception examples useful. Before you go, be sure to check these related resources and our other vocabulary lists below.

Analytical Verbs ListIrregular Verbs ListStative Verb ListDescriptive Verbs ListImperative Verbs List

More Vocabulary Lists

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