



      当你接到一个担任翻译的任务,并且是一个很重要的大会。你要为大会的开幕和闭幕做翻译工作。这时,你会不会因为没有合适的开幕词和闭幕词而焦急?不要着急,我为大家准备了一些开幕词, 闭幕词典型句型,希望可以用到:

(1) 宣布----开幕declare ……open / declare open ……declare the commencement of……(2)预祝……取得圆满成功!Wish…… a complete success!!(3) 宣布……闭幕declare the closing of……lower the curtain of……例:尊敬的主席先生,各位来宾,女士们,先生们,朋友们:在这春意盎然的美好时节,第八届中国东西部合作与投资贸易洽谈会今天隆重开幕了。Respected Mr. Chairman, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, all the dear friends, in this beautiful spring season, the Eighth Investment and Trade Forum for Cooperation between East and West China is grandly opened today.在此,我谨代表组委会和陕西省政府向莅临大会的国内外嘉宾、国家有关部委、各省区市区代表团,表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的祝愿。On behalf of the current forum’s organizing committee and the People’s Government of Shaanxi Province, I’d like to extend our warm welcome and wholehearted wishes to all the honored guests at home and abroad, delegates from participant ministries and commissions, provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.同时欢迎港澳台同胞和各界朋友参加这次重要的全国性经贸盛会。I’d also like to extend the warm welcome to compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan as well as friends of various circles present at this important national economic and trade gathering.让我们共同预祝第八届中国东西部合作与投资洽谈会取得圆满成功!谢谢大家!      Let us wish the Eighth Investment and Trade Forum for Cooperation between East and West China a complete success! Thank you all!!      例:Your Excellency, ladies and gentlemen, it is an honor to be invited to speak at this closing ceremony of this annual conference on Regional Science and Technology Cooperation.尊敬的阁下,女士们,先生们,很荣幸受到邀请在这次地区科技合作年会的闭幕式上讲话。The presence of his Excellency, the President of the Republic of Mexico,reflects the firm commitment of Mexico towards this conference and the painstaking efforts that your administration has made to ensure its success.墨西哥共和国总统阁下的出席,反映了墨西哥对本次会议的坚定承诺,以及阁下政府为保证会议召开所作出的巨大努力。On behalf of all the delegations attending the conference and my own behalf, we are also most appreciative of the warm and generous hospitality extended to us, including bringing us to your residence this morning.我也要代表参加会议的各代表团以及我本人,感谢你们热情,慷慨地招待,包括今天早上带我们到您的府上拜访。The significance of this conference cannot be overemphasized. I am sure that we can go away from Mexico City with confidence, determination, and a clear vision of the collective effort and focus of our action into the new millennium.本次会议意义重大。我相信我们离开墨西哥城的时候,将满怀信心和决心,将展望共同努力和一致行动的明朗前景,迈上新千年。例:It is an honor to be here to speak on behalf of the Microsoft Research Center and to participate in this conference to discuss the strategic issues facing this wonderful and dynamic city of shanghai.我很荣幸在这里代表微软研究中心,出席本次会议来讨论上海这座美妙且充满活力的城市所面临的战略问题。In my address to the conference, I’d like to concentrate on Microsoft’s proposed joint ventures in Shanghai, because these ventures confirm our position as a strongly committed partner to Shanghai.在我向大会的发言中,我想重点谈一谈微软准备在上海筹建的合资企业,因为这些合资企业可以确认我们决意成为上海合作伙伴的立场。We understand that, as the fastest growing economy in the world today, China is likely to become the world’s second largest economy in the mid-21st century.我们认识到,作为当今世界上经济增长最快的国家。中国很可能在21世纪中叶成为世界第二号经济强国。Therefore,the foreign investor must have a strategic plan and the willingness to form a long-term partnership with China.因此,外国投资者必须有战略计划,必须有同中国建立长期伙伴关系的意愿。


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