



计算机图形学基础,第5版(Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, 5th Edition)

3D图形渲染手册:探索现代OpenGL和Vulkan的渲染算法的综合指南(3D Graphics Rendering Cookbook: A comprehensive guide to exploring rendering algorithms in modern OpenGL and Vulkan)


光线追踪宝典II:使用DXR、Vulkan和OptiX的下一代实时渲染(Ray Tracing Gems II: Next Generation Real-Time Rendering with DXR, Vulkan, and OptiX)


 像素传记(A Biography of the Pixel )


图像对象:计算机图形学的考古学(Image Objects: An Archaeology of Computer Graphics)


计算机图形从零开始:一个程序员对3D渲染的介绍(Computer Graphics from Scratch: A Programmer’s Introduction to 3D Rendering)


 用C++进行OpenGL的计算机图形编程(Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with C++)


学习OpenGL:以循序渐进的方式学习现代OpenGL图形编程(Learn OpenGL: Learn modern OpenGL graphics programming in a step-by-step fashion)


 稳健和无误差的几何计算(Robust and Error-Free Geometric Computing)


游戏引擎开发基础,第一卷:数学(Foundations of Game Engine Development, Volume 1: Mathematics)


 游戏引擎开发基础,第二卷:渲染(Foundations of Game Engine Development, Volume 2: Rendering)


GPU Zen 2:高级渲染技术(GPU Zen 2: Advanced Rendering Techniques)


光线追踪器的挑战:第一个3D渲染器的测试驱动指南(The Ray Tracer Challenge: A Test-Driven Guide to Your First 3D Renderer)


光线追踪精粹:基于DXR及其他API的高质量实时渲染(Ray Tracing Gems: High-Quality and Real-Time Rendering with DXR and Other APIs)


使用WebGL 2的实时3D图形:用JavaScript和WebGL 2(OpenGL ES 3.0)构建交互式3D应用程序,第二版(Real-Time 3D Graphics with WebGL 2: Build interactive 3D applications with JavaScript and WebGL 2 (OpenGL ES 3.0), 2nd Edition)


游戏引擎架构第三版(Game Engine Architecture ,第三版)

 GPU Pro 360渲染指南(GPU Pro 360 Guide to Rendering)


GPU Pro 360的阴影指南(GPU Pro 360 Guide to Shadows)


GPU Pro 360几何图形操作指南(GPU Pro 360 Guide to Geometry Manipulation)


GPU PRO 360 GPGPU指南(GPU PRO 360 Guide to GPGPU)


GPU Pro 360移动设备指南(GPU Pro 360 Guide to Mobile Devices)


GPU Pro 360 3D引擎设计指南(GPU Pro 360 Guide to 3D Engine Design)


GPU Pro 360光照指南(GPU Pro 360 Guide to Lighting)


GPU Pro 360图像空间指南(GPU Pro 360 Guide to Image Space)


实时渲染,第四版(Real-Time Rendering,第四版)


 高级高动态范围成像,第二版(Advanced High Dynamic Range Imaging, Second Edition)

 WebGL精粹(WebGL Gems)


GPU Zen: 高级渲染技术(GPU Zen: Advanced Rendering Techniques)


Vulkan Cookbook:通过方法来释放下一代图形API的全部潜力 - Vulkan:下一代3D图形API的解决方案(Vulkan Cookbook: Work through recipes to unlock the full potential of the next generation graphics API - Vulkan: Solutions to next gen 3D graphics API)


游戏物理学手册(Game Physics Cookbook)


数字图像合成手册:渲染的科学基础(Handbook of Digital Image Synthesis: Scientific Foundations of Rendering)



基于物理的渲染:从理论到实现 第3版(Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation 3rd)


Vulkan编程指南 学习Vulkan(OpenGL)的官方指南(Vulkan Programming Guide The Official Guide to Learning Vulkan (OpenGL))


图像内容重定向:保持颜色、色调和空间的一致性(Image Content Retargeting: Maintaining Color, Tone, and Spatial Consistency)


游戏引擎精粹三(Game Engine Gems 3)


GPU Pro 7:高级渲染技术 (GPU Pro 7: Advanced Rendering Techniques )

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