

All、every 和 whole 之间的区别



All、every 和 whole 之间的区别



“All、every” 和 “whole” 都可以用来表示 “全部,所有”,但它们的用法却不同。如果要说一个人把 “所有的” 糖都吃了,应该使用这三个词中的哪一个?如果要说一个人把 “整个” 蛋糕都吃了,又应该用哪个词?看视频,跟主持人 Georgina 学习这三个常用词的区别。


Hi, I’m Georgina from BBC Learning English. Do you ever wonder about the difference between all, every and whole? They all have similar meanings but are used in different ways.

All means the whole amount of something – 100%! It is often followed by uncountable nouns or plural nouns.

He ate all the sugar!All children love sweets!

Every has a similar meaning to all. It means each one without exception.

I go to the gym every day.

Whole means the complete amount of something and is followed by uncountable nouns or singular nouns.

I ate the whole cake!The whole airport is closed!

Bye for now!


1 “All” 用来谈论 “所有,全数,百分之百”,通常后接不可数名词或可数名词的复数形式。

He ate all the sugar!

All children love sweets!

All passengers travelling to Newport would need to transfer here. 

2 “Every” 用来谈论 “一组中的每一个,无一例外”,通常后接可数名词的单数形式。

I go to the gym every day.

I have watched every match my team has played.

3 “Whole” 用来谈论 “全部,整体,整个”,通常后接不可数名词或可数名词的单数形式。

I ate the whole cake!

The whole airport is closed!

I’ve worked the whole day on this presentation.

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