



motion指不处于静止状态而在移动的过程中,强调运动本身,而不涉及其动因。movement通常抽象地指有规则的动作或定向运动,特指政治性的运动。motion与movement均可表示“运动”。1、motion的例句One group of muscles sets the next group in motion一组肌肉带动下一组肌肉运动。He panned the camera, giving a sense of motion.他用摄像机移动拍摄,营造一种运动的效果。The wheels of change have been set in motion.变革的车轮已经开始运转。At a single motion of his hand, the room fell silent.他手一挥,屋子里便安静了下来。2、movement例句Women have always been at the forefront of the Green movement.妇女总是在环境保护运动的最前列。The region at the time was fertile ground for revolutionary movements.当时该地区是革命运动的沃土。There has been no movement in oil prices.石油价格没有变化。It needs cooperation from all the countries to get any movement in arms control.要在军控方面取得进展需要所有国家的合作。

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